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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. As opposed to the phony hypocritical outrage from the right? Like I said; You Got Nothing! That's typical of you. Everyone who agrees with you is an independent thinker who just happened to come to the same conclusions you did. Everyone who disagrees is a Lemming (or Obama-bot) incapable of independent thought, whose every idea is fed to them by their Political Masters. The laughable part is that you seem to believe the nonsense you spout.
  2. Just like you're so fond of saying; You Got Nothing! Who cares what one talking head called another talking head? When you're asking about something Ed Shultz said it falls into the category of "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it still make a sound?" Obviously the 7 to 9 people who heard it live weren't very offended and all attempts to make anybody care have failed. Just like this one fails. Bill Mahler said something stupidly insulting. Of course he did. He's an Idiot! But even idiots are allowed to make political contributions. Or are you suggesting that Every talking head who has ever said somthing stupidly insulting should have his or her political contributions returned by Every politician they support? I can agree with that if you are. P.S. I don't much care what Rush said either.
  3. 1. How would the church be making (Italics yours) anyone a sinner? Don't Catholics have free will? 2. It Isn't but thats a bright shiney new strawman you got there. 3. They won't and nobody can make them. But again, nice strawman. 4. I agree completely.
  4. 5. When Ronald Reagan took office, the U.S. national debt was just under $1 trillion. When he left office, it was $2.6 trillion. During the eight Regan years, the US moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation. This fact, is the reason why I believe that the majority of the screaming, crying, and moaning, about the deficit is nothing more than partisan hackery at it's worst. No. I don't believe the sincerity of the epithanies most of the more vociferous hacks here (and nationally) claim to have experienced. And yes I fully expect the cry of "Reagan PROVED deficits don't matter!" to return the instant Rommney (Who I plan to hold my nose and vote for) is elected. 4. Since 1938, the national debt has increased at an average annual rate of 8.5 percent. The only exceptions to the constant annual increase over the last 62 years were during the administrations of Clinton and Johnson. (Note that this is the rate of growth; the national debt still existed under both presidents.) During the Clinton presidency, debt growth was almost zero. Johnson averaged 3 percent growth of debt for the six years he served (1963-69). But what I would like even better is for Hillary to run. The only real answer is to cut spending AND raise taxes an equal amount. P.S. If most of you take the partisan blinders off and read that list you'll quickly understand why I believe that the pushing the deficit issue is not a good political move for the GOP.
  5. Yeah, That Qualifications thing is tough... 1. Born a U.S. Citizen. 2. 35 years old. 3. 14 years of residency in the US 4. breathing Did I miss anything?
  6. So then your point ISN'T to put the best possible spin of this story out for your chosen candidate? AND it ISN'T to point out why you believe that conservatives are much more wonderful than those nasty, dispicable, liberals. And it ISN'T Obama BAD; Romney GOOD! Yep, you sure fooled me.
  7. "It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.” ― Bill Watterson Thanks B-Man, you unintentionally hit the nail right on the head.
  8. If you were a die you'd come up 3.5 every roll.
  9. And your point is? It's appropriate that they filmed that video aboard the USS Reasoner (FF 1063) which has since been decommissioned and sold to Turkey. My Hangout was Mazur's on the corner of Warsaw & Seal. It was within stumbling distance of my parent's house. Sadly, it's gone now.
  10. I left Lackawanna in 1971 when I joined the Navy. Did Dot & Wally's exist then? If so I've been there.
  11. Somewhere in the 2nd ward I'm guessing. I grew up on Warsaw St.
  12. Please don't drop this. You have no idea how entertaining it would be for me if you two actually debated anything related to weapons system guidance.
  13. There's a huge difference between QB's like Vick, Manning, & Brady and Beck. Very few defenses look good against the first group.
  14. 1. Spiller at WR produces big results (5-6 catches 100+ yards 1 TD) 2. Kelsay gets a sack and applies consistant pressure. 3. Batten gets his first official sack. 4. The Defense holds the Redskins Offense under 300 yards.
  15. Cheat* Fans Cry Fitzmagic Crushes Marsha Theeeee Bills WIN!
  16. The single good thing about Irene hitting the Tidewater area is that the rain should put out the fire that's been burning in the Great Dismal Swamp for almost two months. That and the fact it gives partisan idiots something sort of but not really different to bicker about.
  17. ...that started me thinking. Apparently it's a common practice in the NFL to structure player contracts so that a team is only required to pay players with so called "split contracts" somewhere around 1/2 of their salary if they are placed on IR. Individual contracts vary so not all players have split contracts. IMHO that could help to explain why so many Bills Players have wound up on IR in the past few years. What say you guys?
  18. Out with a minor leg issue, but supposedly would play if it was a regular season game.
  19. 10 points (or more) with 0 turnovers and 0 sacks out of the starting offense. 3 points (or less) with at least 1 turnover and 1 sack out of the starting defense.
  20. What Tackle? Players eligible In addition to former Ohio State QB Terrelle Pryor, five other players were ruled eligible for the 2011 NFL supplemental draft. The following players were also ruled eligible for the draft: Western Carolina DB Torez Jones, Georgia RB Caleb King, Lindenwood DE Keenan Mace, North Carolina DE Mike McAdoo and Northern Illinois DB Tracy Wilson.
  21. BILLS Fans Ire easily raised Donte's Goat
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