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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. Okay, I'll bite. How can the exact same info presented in a different format be more honest? I understand Why you don't like the way I presented the info, But how can you claim what I posted was less honest than what you posted? [edit] I just noticed that I made a mistake on my original post. it has been corrected. The correct % in 1993 was 6.9% not 7.5%
  2. Nah, I just consider the average mental acuity of PPP when I post.
  3. All three votes were more votes against than votes for. Had there been an Independent/Libertarian choice they would have gotten my vote.
  4. Unemployment rates by President Reagan: 1981 - 7.6% to 1989 - 5.3% Bush 1 1989 - 5.3% to 1993 - 6.9% Clinton 1993 - 6.9% to 2001 - 4.7% Bush 2 2001 - 4.7% to 2009 - 9.3% Obama 2009 - 9.3% to 2011 - 8.9% http://www.bls.gov/cps/prev_yrs.htm
  5. A non-partisan explanation of "Trickle Down Economic Theory" In a nu­tshell, trickle-down theory is based on the premise that within an economy, giving tax breaks to the top earners makes them more likely to earn more. Top earners invest that extra money in productive economic activities or spend more of their time at the high-paying trade they do best (whether that be creating inventions or performing heart surgeries). Either way, these activities will be productive, reinvigorate economic growth and, in the end, generate more tax revenue from these earners and the people they've helped. According to the theory, this boost in growth will ultimately help those in lower income brackets as well. Although trickle-down economics is often associated with the policies of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the theory dates back to the 1920s. The name also has roots in the '20s, when humorist Will Rogers coined the term, saying, "The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes it would trickle down to the needy" [source: Shafritz]. http://money.howstuffworks.com/trickle-down-economics.htm
  6. Who else can you worry about? Who else can you control? If you're damn fool enough to allow an outside influence to dictate to you who and what outside yourself and your family you should be worried about affecting your life, I certainly don't know what to tell you. You (I feel confident saying) do the best you can to provide a good living for yourself and those you are directly responsible for (i.e. your family). Do you honestly believe that the vast majority of Americans do not (to the best of their ability) do the same? Do you honestly believe that anyone (who is able to make that choice) would choose to be less than the best they can be in providing for themselves and their family? There are exceptions to what I am saying. There are slugs who will be nothing but parasites if they have the chance. But in truth, I honestly think that the numbers are in our favor. The slugs exist but not in the numbers you fear,
  7. I'll agree that strong men can cry. Where we disagree is what strong men cry about. If I give it my best shot and fail, I won't cry, but I will re-double my effort in preparing for the next time. If I believe in someone who lets me down, or is less than honest in what they tell me, I won't cry about them having deceived me, I just won't believe them in the future, If it's my fault I'll raise my hand and say that's mine, how do I fix this? And then break my ass to make it right. If a loved one is injured, or dies, because of something I have no control over I will weep unabashedly. Life isn't fair. Life isn't guaranteed to go the way I want it to go. I have to make my own way through life. Crying won't help. The only answer I know is; Putting one foot in front of the other and slogging through the muck will get you where you want to go, if you want it bad enough and you're willing to work your ass off to get there. It's difficult but it's worth it. Unless you're a total kitty. But if you want to spend your time whining that the world, or the MSM if you prefer, isn't fair, go right ahead. Just don't be surprised when someone like me slaps you in your little kitty face and says "Wake Up B word"
  8. 1. Who? 2. Actually the perpetual victim thing is something the "Right" has cooked up to characterize one of their favorite "Strawman" arguments. i.e, the perpetual victim ideology of the "Left". So it just amuses/annoys me when I listen to an avowed "Right-Winger" Whine about how he/his party is being victimized by Whomever. 3. Do it in private, please. It ruins your macho image.
  9. Define winning. Also define Transparent Partisan Hack. P.S, The person I voted for in the presidential election didn't win.
  10. If that made any sense at all (which would be a first for you) I'd respond with something scathingly witty (which would go completely over your head) and then laugh at your feeble attempt to respond. But, since it didn't, I won't. But either way, you won't be able to comprehend what I said, so I shan't bother.
  11. Do you follow the conversation or do you just jump in with a totally asinine comment based on who you see posting? This started with one of your conservative buddies whining and crying like a little B word and getting smacked around for being a kitty. Then 3rdrate decided to comment, and I'm not in the mood to tolerate the imbecility of someone who hasn't generated an independent thought since three weeks before Al Gore invented the internet. Now if you want to be next...
  12. I own you, 3rdrate. We've been down this road before. You finished fifth in a two person race. Do yourself (and more importantly the rest of the board) a favor and crawl back under your rock until after the grown-ups have finished talking. Okay? Bye!
  13. You're the one whining about NBC et al "Cheerleading"for Obama while ignoring the fact that FAUX exists for the sole purpose of "Cheer Leading" for whichever conservative candidate is the latest cause celeb. All I'm saying is you poor downtrodden conservative types would garner more support for your cause if you weren't constantly playing the victim card. Jesus, The constant whining and crying is monotonous! It drowns out everything else you have to say. WAH! WAH! WAH! Is all anyone can hear when you open your mouth. Just give it a rest! Go to your room, close the door, and cry in private.
  14. Nice Sound-bite, but it has nothing to do with the subject matter the other poster and I were (Admittedly less than cordially) discussing.. But that doesn't matter to you does it? Sound bites and Non-sequitors are your stock in trade aren't they? You want to weigh in on the unseemly amount of crying and whining some conservatives are doing today? Perhaps you'd like to opine on how the polls are skewed to make the election look closer than it really is. Or perhaps you'd like to tell us all about how the "Liberal Media" is cheer leading for the President. OBTW, Some of us live the life you dream about while you're asking your clients whether or not they desire fries with their super-sized meal!
  15. Yeah, You've got nothing. If you get called on your crying and whining there's nothing behind it. No Backup, nothing of substance beyond, "They're Picking on ME! WAH!". Go suck your thumb and feel abused. Just do it quietly.
  16. Lick your clit would be more accurate. You got ten pounds of sand in your vajayjay? Talk about a perpetual victim. The big mean liberals are picking on me, WAH, WAH! The MSM is Biased against us poor little Conservatives! WAH WAH! They don't slant things the way FAUX does! WAH! WAH! Man up and put a fricking sock in it. When were you promised that the rest of the world was organized to make you feel good about your opinions and biases? What makes conservatives right and everybody else wrong? Other than the FAUX News Channel trumpeting that message 24/7? Really, think about it. FOX has the largest audience of all the news channels. They control the debate in many areas. Yet, if you listen to them, and you, they're not part of the MSM. Horse-Pucky! But you still have a choice. If you don't like the way NBC or any other channel reports the news, DON'T WATCH THAT CHANNEL! Stick to FOX and their "accurate reporting" and "Fair and Balanced" coverage. Just whine a lot quieter the next time you discover they sold you a pile of manure.
  17. Jesus, call the Wambulance! You guys get ridiculous with this nonsense. Yes there is a liberal bias in the media. It comes from the fact that most journalists are liberals. We get it! But its an unintentional bias. The MSM attempts to be neutral in their coverage of the news. They do a fair but not perfect job of it. And we are notified of every slip-up they make by you poor downtrodden conservatives crying like babies every time some big mean liberal journalist doesn't phrase something in the way you believe they should. But there is only one news organization that intentionally inserts bias into their coverage of events, FOX. Where'd that get you guys? How do those polls look now? How many of those swing states went to Romney? How much cheering were they doing and for who?
  18. Sorry, I meant to say the argument would be that the EXPIRATION OF tax cuts would kill the growth.
  19. Define significant growth. And wouldn't the argument then become "Tax Cuts will kill the growth"?
  20. Can you point me to where that distinction has been made here on this board, I seem to have missed it. I understand that raising taxes on a single segment of the population is unfair. Which is why I'm for letting the Bush Tax cuts expire, in their entirety, and cutting spending to get the deficit under control. A position I might add I've espoused consistently for many years now. I seem to recall you and many others here who loudly declared that "Deficits don't Matter" giving me schidt about that position pre 2008.
  21. Did you read the article? Do you understand the driving forces that pushed those percentages to where they are today? It's disingenuous because in large part those people not paying federal income tax aren't paying it because of the Republican (Bush & Regan) Tax Cuts. So what you have is a large % of the population that isn't paying federal income tax, in large part due to tax cuts championed by the Republican Party, who are now being demonized by Republicans for not paying their fair share of taxes.
  22. Here's an interesting read on the 47% of Americans who don't pay Federal Income Taxes. And why many of us feel it's a completely disingenuous argument for Republicans to make. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/09/17/romneys-theory-of-the-taker-class-and-why-it-matters/
  23. President - Gary Johnson/Jim Gray (L) Senate - Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Congress - Abel G Collins (I) Town Council - one ® & two (D's) you never heard of.
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