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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. Because, as everyone knows, the only guns in all of Mexico are the guns lost by the idiots running Fast & Furious. So if F&F hadn't happened, that Border Patrol Agent would be alive today.
  2. I have to agree. It is rather embarrassing that he'll never understand how or why it happened.
  3. You do realize that virtually every poster who frequents PPP has read every word of every post in this thread?
  4. You are such a hypocritical lying weasel that this isn't even funny anymore. It's actually getting to be sort of sad. Weren't you the indignent clown who started a thread about someone in the liberal MSM twisting Romney's words to make it sound like he said something he hadn't? Yet you pull this shidt? Really? Think about something that's not happening here 3rd. The insane clown posse that usually appears to defend every other conservative who gets into an argument with a big mean liberal, you know who I'm talking about, the guys who can even be counted on to defend D.i.E.'s racism, has stayed silent this time. WHY? They live to bash liberals. So why aren't they defending you? Could it be that you've jumped the shark? That this time your blatent hypocracy and sheer bullshidt is too much for even those guys to try defending? Face it 3rd, the little tiny bit of credibility you had is gone. You've become the right wing version of connor. Enjoy it, you earned it. And with that I will STFU.
  5. Yeah, me listening to you would be a good idea! You should be proud, you trained young 3rd well.
  6. I'm posting this again just to show what a hypocrite you are 3rd. So AGAIN! Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  7. I'm posting this again just to show what a hypocrite you are 3rd. So AGAIN! Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  8. I'm posting this again just to show what a hypocrite you are 3rd. So AGAIN! Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  9. I'm posting this again just to show what a hypocrite you are 3rd. So AGAIN! Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  10. I'm posting this again just to show what a hypocrite you are 3rd. So AGAIN! Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  11. Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.
  12. I know. That's one of the reasons I'm laughing so hard. Where's the link 3rd?
  13. No, it's faux outrage because you would be among the first to defend a right wing non-MSM hack for doing the same thing that you're attacking the left wing MSM hack for doing. Difficult Concept, isn't it? Now where's that link, 3rd? Cuz we all know you'd never distort something another poster said, right? Because that would make you look really silly right now, considering your indignant stance here, wouldn't it?
  14. Do you ever have a real point to make, or an original thought? Or do you just leap from faux outrage to faux outrage as directed by the Not-MSM talking heads?
  15. When are some of you going to realize that D.I.E. is a troll. His game is seeing how many posters he can make look stupid by getting them to defend his overtly racist posts. Keep playing along and he'll keep laughing at you. Enjoy it, he is.
  16. You got a set of (internet) stones, I'll give you that. You intentionally misrepresent what I said, then have the (internet) gall to try to throw it back on me when I call you on it. Classic. LOL! I'm still waiting for that link. And I answered that question already. Look it up. Or if you prefer, "Do your own homework, Sue."
  17. Quite the statement, you made there there 3rd. You love to question other people's ability you comprehend what they read, so how about we look at your reading comprehension level. You can start by providing a link to the statements you claim were made in that other thread. The problem with it is; nobody in that other thread said anything even remotely like that. The closest would be me saying I could understand why the "MSM" gave the Plame outing more coverage than they are giving to the current leaks.
  18. He's still wrong, but... There's plenty of blame to go around. There aren't any Politicians whose hands are clean in the deficit issue. More info.
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