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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. Nah, I was sarcasticly bowing to your obvious message board testosterone overload. And please keep whatever weird fantasies you have floating around in that little pea brain of yours to yourself. Between you obsessing over my masturbation habits and whatever it was that you just offered to do to Tom, it's obvious you need at the very least semi-professional help. Might I suggest a trip to the local Zoo? I read somewhere that they're trying to breed a new species of pigmy hippopotomus. You could help them and they could help you.
  2. I seriously doubt that "Validation" is the only thing you've been lacking today.
  3. Ahhh... The PPP stamp Of Approval. My life is now complete. Your a Idiot To, Tmo!
  4. Wow! You sure told me! I guess your life is simple and easy; you label everyone who disagrees with your extremely narrow viewpoint a "Lib" and reflexively attacking their sexuality is the only response you have (or seem to feel you need, considering the number of times you've done it) to being called out for your B. S. But on the other hand you could always go back to whining about being picked on by all the big bad libs posting on PPP.
  5. Were you born a partisan jackass or did you receive a government grant to study at P.U. until you received your P.H. & D in douchebaggery?
  6. BMCM (Master Diver) Carl Brashear If more Americans were like him, this country would be in much better shape. In his case Hollywood got it right.
  7. Which of course you have never been known to do. It's really sad how the majority of posters on this board treat you. You are just a poor innocent little victim of the big bad bullies here.
  8. No surprise there. I'm not sure what race has to do with this. I could see Pat Buchanan giving the same quote and/or answers. And if I disagree with you because you're an idiot does that make me an Idiotist? (Or would that just mean I'm DC Tom?) Again what does his race have to do with anything? He's stating a purely political idea that ignores race and cannot be defined along racial barriers. Evolution is a wonderful thing. I'm happy for you. Please drop by and see us again when you've developed the capacity for independent thought.
  9. I'm curious. How many people agree with his stance on new Mosques. Yahoo Article
  10. It's amazing how this argument follows party lines. A few years ago the loudest voices advocating spending cuts and deficit reduction (both in Washington and on this board) were yelling "Reagan Proved that deficits don't matter!" and the people on the other side were screaming about the level of spending going on with the opposite party in power. Now the former Deficit Doves have become RABID Deficit Hawks. While many (but not all) of the former Deficit Hawks are largely silent. Personally I wanted deficit reduction when Bush was in office and I want it even more now. But I can see reality, 2 dollars in tax increases for every 4 dollars in Meaningful Spending cuts would be a good start, equal amounts would be even better but won't even be considered due to political reality.
  11. Nope, They're ours deployed aboard British FBM's under NATO Treaty. They count against our arsenal.
  12. Just so you know, wikipedia and the NY Times aren't generally considered to be the best sources on this board. And did the NY Times Article read something like this?
  13. Just out of curiosity, is this your source for most of that info? Thomas Clough's Web-Site, weirdrepublic.com
  14. Nah, you just make her look like & sound a Rhodes Scholar.
  15. Stupid should hurt. Some idiot wants to pet a shark, let them. Just revise the rules so their insurance co can deny their claim on the grounds that they deserved what they got!
  16. Okay, her father was a good man and she isn't very impressed with the opinions of loud-mouthed athiests. How exactly do those two simple & undeniable facts nail Frenkle, or anybody? And considering her admiration for her father's decisions in life, I believe she would be disgusted by your opening remark.
  17. First Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -3.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.69 Second You are a center-left social libertarian. Left: 2.74, Libertarian: 3.91
  18. Silk. My favorite pair have a bunch of little Crap Throwing Monkeys kissing my azz on them
  19. Actually Magoo, I was commenting on the reactions of the board to what Affleck said (and what Rush Limbaugh said and what whoever else using celebrity to get their voice heard said) and to the article that dev/null linked to in his post. And BTW I have serious doubts as to Ben Afflick's qualifications WRT determining the appropriateness of CEO pay. I just don't get my panties in a wad over silly crap like this.
  20. The only possibility would be some grumpy, Christmas-Hating, curmudgion who decided not to kill a fir tree and watch it slowly die in his (or her) living room. Know anyone like that?
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