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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. "Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it."
  2. Hell, a 50% Milloy is still better than a 100% Wire.
  3. Funny, I've never received anything in the mail. Wasn't it a gift certificate to Sizzler?
  4. Let's just make sure everyone is offended... Q: What does the BILLS stand for in Buffalo Bills. A: Boy I Love Losing Superbowls And no, I'm not a racist. I hate everybody. Now :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  5. Kinda like that old joke about how a newspaper headline might read if a meterorite were about to strike the earth and kill all life "WORLD ABOUT TO END! WOMEN AND MINORITIES MOST AFFECTED!"
  6. What does the IROC on an IROC Z stand for? Italian Retard Out Cruisin' (told to me by an Italian friend of mine who also happened to drive an IROC Z at the time )
  7. It's a strategy of the government to employ as many morons as possible, to make sure they have something to do and don't riot when one of their sitcoms is canceled or the microwave breaks and they can't heat up their hotpockets.
  8. We're 1-4. The last two years means absolutely nothing. The NFL is a "What have you done for me lately" league. Start Willis.
  9. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: T-Bone! Oh wait, you aren't T-Bone. Joe, what are you doing over there on the slimey part of town? J-Bone???
  10. Sadly Krauthammer's message will be lost on the majority of people that read his column, it makes too much sense.
  11. Is the film going to fundamentally change between now and when it comes out on DVD? I'd say wait. Movie prices have gotten so ridiculous that I only go for the big budget killer special effects flicks and wait for the storytelling movies to come out on rental.
  12. But Mel was way more productive than Mike Golic! This move makes no sense!
  13. Haven't seen it, but I feel confident enough to say that Natalie Portman is hot in it.
  14. And that means we should have kept Shaw? Huh?
  15. Watch him produce for the Pats!?!? Who gives a fug if he becomes an All-Pro for the Flaming Elvises!?! The Bills had problems and decided to cut their #3/4 WR because he wasn't worth stevestojan, and now that's going to upset the balance in the division? Huh? If the Bills eventually lose every game this season and New England wins the Superbowl, again, it won't be because we cut Bobby fuggin' Shaw.
  16. Birds fly, fish swim, Democrats lie. It's just nature at work.
  17. Gotta hand it to the 'Canes, they keep coming back...just like herpes. Good showing from Louisville, they won even though they lost...
  18. The coolest football name was given to OJ's offensive line - The Electric Company, 'cuz they turned on the Juice! Just because OJ turned into a murderer later in life shouldn't take away from how cool that name was...
  19. The cold, stark reality of the thing is that you DO deserve the shot more than a 70 year old person with a heart condition. You are young and working hard and paying taxes into the System. The System counts on many more years of productivity from you. The 70 year old with the heart condition is most likely retired and withdrawing from the System. While he probably paid into the System all his life, with inflation and the rising costs of healthcare, if he hasn't taken more from the Sytem than he put in he soon will.
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