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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. It means the sled dogs will be happy that the drunk nanooks won't be trying to cornhole them today...
  2. What you don't see is that her ass is 5 feet wide...
  3. How dare you say anything bad about those poor, innocent Muslims. Don't you know Christians killed people during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition?
  4. Yes and yes. The "War on Drugs" has been one of the biggest fiascos in US history. All that money wasted. Take it away from the criminals and regulate it.
  5. Well P. Diddy has been telling everyone to 'Vote or Die'. Maybe they're afraid someone might roll up and pop a cap in 'der ass if they don't vote...
  6. You know, maybe gene screening for designer babies isn't really that bad after all...
  7. Skewer them with a stainless steel rod and turn slowly over an open fire. You get the best flavor if you skewer them while still alive.
  8. The voices inside my head told me to tell you :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  9. What a tool you've become. Descending to Tenny/blzrul levels more and more everyday.
  10. Yes, if we are more 'sensitive' to terrorists they will like us and throw down their suicide bombs. See the terrorist is just misunderstood. If America wasn't so imperialistic, we could all live in peace and harmony as God's and Allah's children. Kerry has a plan.
  11. Can't make it, but all the best for the happy couple! Don't get too much ketchup on 'em!
  12. I can't wait for a one-world government, everything will be peace and happiness! koombyah my lord, koombyah....
  13. Why not give it to a local children's charity instead, or do you feel more self-rightous giving it to UNICEF?
  14. That's why the Feds should get out of the education business altogether, do away with the Dept of Education, and return the power back to the states. You know, like it says in the Constitution...
  15. Or maybe the reverse is true. A lot of kids taking meds for ADHD or ADD may just have lot's of energy but the lazy parents and teachers don't want to deal with them... and the pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
  16. Mmmmmmmmmmmm....meatball hotpockets are the bomb, fo' shizzle! Huh...what were you sayin?
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