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Everything posted by ALLinALLEN

  1. When they’re going fast here and with our d line I NEED pressure and sacks. This is the easy time to get them.
  2. This is a solid game by the defense. However you wanna look at it. Way way way too many wide open wrs all night but under 10 as we approach 7 mins is great.
  3. How many wr screens to diggs before we give it up? Just doesn’t work
  4. Great d stand. Knock in 3 at worst from here.
  5. Refs have called a good game imo. Have stayed out of the way.
  6. Punt and then d stop should (should) seal this win.
  7. The nfl is hilarious. Week 1 we’re all saying Bernard doesn’t have it. Week 8 we can’t live without him. He’s been a stud. So happy with him
  8. All good man! I saw him grimace and hold it after the tv timeout and assumed that was why he was in the tent. But his play hasn’t shown any signs of it hurting so not sure too.
  9. That play is easy money within 10 yards of the end zone
  10. Think foot or ankle from the play before the td? But he ran in fine after? Uhhh
  11. No lie I think mcdermott mouthed “no more shotgun run”
  12. Love the first drive. Qb run too. They hear us.
  13. Well right except that means people are placing real physical dollars on the bills. However you wanna process that is up to you, but it means they like us - a lot. I’d agree lines mean nothing to me the way we’ve looked recently, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
  14. The line moved to -9. Think it opened at -7.5. It was -8.5 in the last hour. Not sure what vibes the bettors are getting but we could use it here for sure.
  15. Would basically turn into a pot of all the callers that get denied from WGR postgame
  16. Evans and Godwin scare me....they will feast on our soft coverage if the DL doesnt get pressure. Not feeling great about this one.
  17. Yeah I mean they have room for 4 more losses this year to even make the playoffs and its week 8.....but sure give them more passes.
  18. I think a realistic WR trade would be Marquise Hollywood Brown. Shouldn’t take more than a 4th or 5th and I think would fit in well here as option 2.
  19. I think we’re all very lucky they play Thursday night. Can’t sit on this feeling of no answers for much longer
  20. That was not right in his chance or a drop by any means. Maybe 1-2 other wrs catch that, and I would say I wouldn’t expect any of them to make it, even diggs
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