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Everything posted by ALLinALLEN

  1. And I think you couldnt be more wrong. It's mcd's operation and he failed....again
  2. My god STOP making excuses for this blunder. It doesn't happen to ANY team in the NFL EVER - especially one that should be as knit up as the Bills. "It's hard to count to 12" what????!! They blew it, and it starts and ends with McD. This team is not mentally prepared for ANY situation.
  3. It is as he oversees the entire process. You know the FG is coming and you are not ready or prepared for it. its on him.
  4. I'm sure he has to watch the tape first to explain 12 men
  5. I expect to come back from commercial with them punting
  6. Ed mad about a false start so he couldn’t get his sack incentives….
  7. If we had back to back good drives by the offense and defense the sun would implode
  8. Soft coverage on a broken play to the end zone. Terrible. That’s a td
  9. Boy would it be nice to have another solid rb option in this game I’m so glad we started ty Johnson and not fournette so smart
  10. What is up with the pass rush constantly not containing wtf
  11. The players only meeting was about how they can play their way into getting flexed out of the remaining prime time games
  12. Celebrating a touchdown on that I mean my god what is wrong with this team
  13. Right through our captain and number 2 wrs hands. Nice.
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