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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. Wow. That is looking through some orange colored glasses. His economic war on China resulted in little negative impact on them while we paid those tariffs- every person and business that bought technology. Nearly every company impacted raised their price to us and practically nothing moved to other cheap manufacturing countries like he hoped. Giving credit for "managing" Russia and NK is utterly laughable. Unless by manage you mean lick boots and nads. I don't know why you jokers think a draft dodger can intimidate a fly. A report done last year showing what the tariffs cost us job wise. https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/83746 I'll give him a point for the middle east. I don't see dems doing anything differently in the same position but still...
  2. Explain to me positives of his foreign policy. Aside from minor successes in the Middle East, there are none. I agree with more than I disagree here.
  3. All of it is true. His foreign policy was overall an embarrassment. He inherited a great Economic situation. Instead of truly helping the middle class he created a mirage to give them a small bump while billionaires got more benefit. Call me crazy but I think the ultra rich should pay their fair share.
  4. Foreign policy, alienating allies and getting cozy with Putin and Un (even though in principle I'm fine with smart leaders manipulating the bad guys he's just too dumb). America first policy I'm fine with the idea but the execution was abysmal. The tariffs on China for example did nothing but cause us to pay more esp for tech products. His tax plan helped the mid class at first then shifts to help the rich over time. Covid response is obvious though not so much policy imo. The worst of all is the world knowing we have an imbecile for president. The guy didn't even read Intel briefings. He shared classified info to the world because he's truly that dumb, and who knows how many issues never made it to light? There are crazy dems but they are a very small minority. And I'll take aoc over mtg any day. Both sides are a bit of a mess but the conspiracy mongering right is insane right now. Look how many that run on "Trump won" are winning elections. That is horrible for our country. Most of them aren't fit to pass 6th grade.
  5. The only thing I defend about Bill is his right to get a bj in office. Nearly all right wingers here say the same thing. I don't really like Trump then you bend over backwards defending his insanity. It's really not a stretch to believe any negative reports on him. I don't know if this is the nail in the coffin for him. But I am hoping. I want him gone because your party has gone off the deep end because of him. Mtg, Boebert, Gosar, these idiots would be working at a gas station if Trump hadn't made crazy the new normal.
  6. Someone that isn't lazy (so not me ) can easily look up the studies done that show there's not much more of a risk for fraud with mail in voting vs in person. People generally aren't willing to risk their freedom for the slight chance they'll make an impact. Most of the fraud examples for those that get caught are whack jobs. Besides, burden of proof would be on you. And with all the scrutiny, someone would have been caught by now.
  7. Until he doesn't own your party it's fair game. He must be your hero. I've never defended anyone the way you all defend him.
  8. The powerful in our country do have a way of avoiding jail. Do you think it's odd that so many people that worked for and around him have often called him corrupt or inept? Those are people had right wing credibility when they were on his good side. I personally find it weird that as soon as they say something bad about your orange hero suddenly they're losers or pariahs.
  9. Allen will throw to himself. And we'll be just fine.
  10. Oooh now do all the stuff Trump has done similar to the nazis! That will be fun because the list is so much longer.
  11. Yes, the deep state had it all planned out long ago. All the way from covid to the election. They control the fbi too! You cray cray.
  12. They will start having returners go back deeper but we can be trickier knowing teams will do that.
  13. Oh the cult members won't even acknowledge the absurdity. It's hard to see anything when your head is up a con man's a$$. How many have brought up Hillary and Hunter this week? These people are lost.
  14. I doubt you see the irony in posting this even as you stand on your head defending this idiot for the thousandth time. You will just blindly believe the right's often insane explanations and not question anything. Maybe the former president doesn't go down for this but man am I glad he's no longer holding top secret info.
  15. See - looks to me like we saw the opposite. For once the rich prick didn't get to do wtf he wanted to. Of course every republican, and fake former democrat, will pretend this is different...
  16. I'm confident Elam will be solid this year. It could be said coaching up CB's is there biggest strength.
  17. You would because most 5th graders know more about current events than you. The gazpacho police hag. Yeah for you that about lines up. Lol
  18. Good question, don't know yet, which is obviously bad. Don't underestimate Trump hate, I think that influenced the election more than even covid. It's one thing to have a bumbling old man another to have a corrupt 5 year old. One way or another this story will be big. Wacka you're supposed to inject the bleach into your veins not your brain. Cmon now.
  19. I agree if anyone other than Trump gets the nomination. Just as much as you all love him so much many hate him even more strongly. Even if he squeaks out of this he will come off as an imbecile (again). My opinion obviously. Definitely want to see more detail. It's sounding like he declassified stuff like Michael Scott declared bankruptcy.
  20. But what about.... Hillary Obama 1/6 Deep state Russia Globalist world takeover Corrupt fbi
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