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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I'm about a 6 hour drive from Ukraine now, getting most of my news from Polish sources. This may be common knowledge but man Putin has got to be embarrassed. Young soldiers who were told they were going on an exercise, running out of fuel, having to steal food because their MREs are too old. Heard today some Russian soldiers may be damaging their own gear to not fight.
  2. Love Maher. Criticizing your own side is healthy. One of the things I despise about the right is that they don't do it nearly enough. Don't always agree with everything he says but I'm with him 75% of the time. He's not as good at interviews imo there's a tendency he has to misunderstand people's points but overall he's amazing. Not many people last as long as he has.
  3. Many have stooped to the other sides level, meaning the lowest of the right. This board in ppp is all about "see how dumb your side is" and gotchas. Most of the left is not the Twitter loving offended by everything tool bags. The right is equally guilty.
  4. People learn so maybe he's going to be better. He's certainly excellent at running an offense. I really like that he caters to the players he has and doesn't fit a square peg into a round hole by only pushing his offensive system/scheme. I think a positive is he's very adaptable.
  5. I'm starting to think, and hope I would admit, that this is smoke and mirrors from Putin. He's putting the screws to Ukraine by bluffing a show of force. It will impact them economically. He'll have his own people in West Ukraine sowing dissent as well. I sincerely hope there's no conflict but if I'm wrong I hope we support Ukraine without sending troops.
  6. I mean, this would be more on Beane then Mcclapinslap. We were built to beat the Chiefs but the defensive speed is nowhere near their level. Should have tried some in season improvements. Not that I advocate moving on from him but we're just a red c hair away from the Chiefs level.
  7. Corners and impact defensive linemen. Edmunds can go if we can replace with quality. We all knew the def was super overrated.
  8. Yeah but he should have been doubled. It's not like we don't know Hill is fast.
  9. The whole defense will have to be. That offense has an extra gear that maybe only we can match.
  10. They got real good at dink and dunk offense in the middle to end of the season.
  11. Yes literally a thousand times. My only thing against him is him constantly saying "expecially". He does it 80 times a game and it's nails on a chalkboard to me.
  12. This is what I don't get about nfl coaching, why the f were they not trying to air it out earlier? At worst shoulda been going for it at 21-7.
  13. I mean you're probably right but people said the same about Josh. Tua improved this tear no doubt. He gets better next year who knows? I don't think he's that guy personally, his work ethic is not Josh's, but things can change.
  14. Rooting for a Pittsburgh miracle myself. It's unlikely though. I watched some of the first time they played and KC made Pitt look like a JV high school team. Pittsburgh will need to really figure out a perfect gamelan and maybe pray Mahomes gets covid.
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