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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I'm positive you've done more for the country than he did. Positive. It's amazing how someone says something you don't like he's automatically discredited. I'd put up the people you probably listen to against Vindman any day.
  2. Awe, how cute, you came to help your lady friend out. Your sis will get jealous watch out!
  3. I know, I'm so dumb to watch an entire party whine like biatches about fraud and everything else your orange god makes up then call out one of said biatches.
  4. Great. Now Biden will likely get trotted out again. Here's to any other rep beating him. Trump should run with Walker. It'd be a no-brainer.
  5. The right loves this guy. I'd bet most conservatives on this board are mostly with him but are too embarrassed to admit it.
  6. Hey now you are 100% discounting his feelings though. Literally all he has. There was fraud because he feels like there was. The sheer stupidity is beyond comprehension.
  7. The conservatives are admitting they need to get rid of Trump but not getting down to the root of the problem of the Republican party at all. You've all lost your minds. Can't go five seconds without another loony conspiracy. And, it's not a small percentage of extreme views, most of you are plain nuts. Bouncing out Trump and his moronic sycophants is only a start. Hopefully more change is to come.
  8. "Stolen as well". When did the right all become loons? And go ahead and mention defining a woman because there's like 1% of dems who are nuts.
  9. Thank you. It's what I thought, some of these election tracking sites have slightly different info.
  10. Anyone see anything I don't on the Boebert race? I think she's gonna win....crappy. was really curious to see what she'd do after if she lost.
  11. It's hard to define, people decline often at drastically different rates. Both Biden and Trump are too old. 1 of the 2 is also batshiite crazy tho that's not really the question. Old people are great for certain things but many thy are not. All these convos have degraded to which side is worse rather than comparing plans and deciding which has the best position. Both parties are really in ***** shape. If the Trump movement ends it will be a huge positive. Being a non religious rep how can you stand elected officials wanting to insert their Christian values on everyone? Does that at least qualify as a negative? It should for all people. The founding fathers made it clear how they thought on that religion mixed with govt.
  12. I'm definitely ageist. Old people should not do certain things.
  13. Let's start with me calling out someone that never brings anything to this board, or probably anything ever. Have you ever called those people out? There are several. They chime in only to throw in the latest line they learned from someone 1% smarter than them on the news or, if they can manage, Twitter or Facebook. Let's end with the irony of you whining about ageism in the Era of Joe Biden.
  14. You are replying to an aging clone who understands little of what he posts and gets 100% of his info from fox while questioning nothing. He is absolutely the majority of the right over 70 years old. If he's under 70 he's just that much more dumb. Fox says I should be scared I is sure scared!
  15. I was looking at what must be the same charts and it did not look definite to me at all. Both sides should want this dolt gone.
  16. Oooh damn you may have won the internet today. Wait, you steal this from Twitter?
  17. I figured dems would lose today but long term Republicans are f'd. May be as soon as 8 to 10 years. 1st world countries are becoming more progressive and less religious. Hopefully we can push this in a smart way because the left often has not.
  18. Now that, would be amazing. I could see it happen too. I'm referring to Trump rolling 3rd party obviously not Biden. No way he should get a 2nd term.
  19. I strongly disagree on the Tucker part. I have elderly family who are on the decline who swear by him and believe he's a reporter of some sort. Their mental decline makes them much like albwan in being completely unable to discren fact from crazy. Their circles of friends are all very similar. I've even started hearing insane conspiracies from them now that they hear from friends.
  20. I addressed that. I don't think there's much difference in what the parties do and influence they have. It's the same bs. Yeah I thought you were alluding to something else.
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