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L Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by L Ron Burgundy

  1. I'd like it to be one of Oliver, Rousseau, or Elam. Getting one of the younger dudes some confidence from game 1 would be great for us.
  2. They love that talking point even though it's utterly meaningless. Little understanding that there are different forms of democracy.
  3. I think he was pointing out the astounding irony. That she didn't get locked up is irrelevant.
  4. 100% I dont know if Martinez is the answer but he'd undoubtedly bring more than the rooks, especially Spector. He looked weak on defense. I trust Beane so there's probably a long term plan here. Injuries are my worry.
  5. Uh, I don't want a special teamer taking major lb duties. If we're down to him taking reps we've got problems. Bernard is better.
  6. I've lived a few years in Europe. By and large Most people despise Trump and think he's a joke. Your anecdotal evidence is not convincing. They do not think much higher of Biden. I'll take too old over corrupt moron though. I'm not defending Biden I think he's weak.
  7. You one of the Twitter people that looks to get offended by everything? You have almost no info to make that determination. Let's not rush to judge.
  8. Awesome. Get a few more picks for guys we're going to cut anyway if possible, though Ford probably had the most value. Shows how much organizational depth we have.
  9. Loving the young guys stepping up. Td for Howard might be a bit of a confidence boost.
  10. Lol, I posted it because it was from fox. Your "proof" was because Schumers office reported it, which has nothing to do with proof of your absurd assertion. You have none it's just your girly feelings. Your buddies couldn't possibly have stooped so low! https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-riot-custodial-staff-cleanup-janitors-maga-trump-white-supremacists-2021-1?amp
  11. You see Schumers office referenced and immediately jump to him making it up. That's weird. Here's a fox article on it. The original I read was interviewing the poor people who cleaned it. Yes it's an opinion piece but that this happened is not disputed. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/jan-6-under-the-capitol-dome-the-darkest-entry-yet-in-clios-tablet Marauders roamed the Capitol. Trashed the Senate parliamentarian’s Office. Wielded Confederate flags in the Ohio Clock Corridor outside the Senate chamber. Ripped down the nameplate to the entrance of the office suite of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Vandalized a statue of President Zachary Taylor. Carved "Murder the Media" in a Capitol doorway. Extremists defecated in the hallways, stomped in their own feces and tracked their excrement across the encaustic, Minton tiles.
  12. Well I can't claim to be so brave that I faked an ailment to dodge a draft.... but I try.
  13. Yes we know. Every single person that says bad things about Trump is lying. Every one.
  14. She can't be dumb enough to think she can win. Its gotta be handicapping the orangutan. Unless, and I'm gonna put on a tin foil hat here, she's aware of some bad forthcoming scandal or has more details on those pending.
  15. When the Nazis started forcing the press to follow ministry of propaganda directives I would say that undermined them or more specifically free speech. Russian collusion? Hmm, why would anyone be suspicious of the Trump campaign lying about meetings with Russians then later admitting they were trying to dig up dirt on Clinton? Nothing at all suspicious there. Bottom line there is you believe everything the orange ape says. I'm very, very skeptical. Aren't you the chump that thought Schumer started a rumor that your Jan 6 bros smeared crap on the walls of the Capitol? You fall for right wing propaganda like a lemming falling off a cliff.
  16. Lol, this guy. I know you are but what am i????? I dont see anyone twisting themselves into pretzels defending Biden. Most people say if he's guilty of anything he should be punished. Meanwhile, your tool buddies tried to overthrow the government but are soooooo stupid instead they wiped their own crap on the walls of the Capitol. You and Darth Rhino believe the same dumb shiite they do.
  17. Let me clarify, I'm not one who compares him to the Nazis or Hitler. I was responding to a dumb post. But, one can certainly make parallels and he has more than anyone if you're searching these things out. As to your condescending post. Thats a long sentence bubba. The Nazi's only disarmed the people they planned on murdering. If you had blonde hair and blue eyes you were set. Not exactly a tenet of their movement. And not relevant because nobody is trying to do it here. Mixing Stalin into your sentence is just confusing. Almost like you think they share ideology. I'm sure louder left leaning people have done this dozens of times as clickbait but.... Replace the Jewish boogeyman with immigrants. Ok. I can somewhat see at least a similarity. Riling up your base with lies to where they do stupid stuff. 150% Fake electors trying to overturn an election? Yeah I can see some Nazi comparison there they certainly didn't play by the rules. Undermining the press. Yes sir. I'd do more but I'm now bored of this. Bill can probably fill up 10 pages.
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