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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sure hope the House gets flipped so there’s a clear path to retribution.
  2. They didn’t. Polls closed at noon in Nevada. That’s 3:00 PM Eastern time. They didn’t get polling results for about an hour.
  3. They’ve been pretty much 90% cracked from the get-go Doc.
  4. Yes. Paragraph 173, Section 5, Paragraph 3. Any player who announces his retirement at halftime shall not be allowed to leave the locker room until the end of the game. And he shall allow each player and the entire coaching staff to kick him in the nuts.
  5. He’ll be sentenced to five consecutive days of standing at the DMV as the last in line. Whenever a new customer enters, he has to let them get in line ahead of him. If no one is there, he can’t go to the counter until it’s 5:00 at which time he’ll be informed that the office is closed.
  6. Well, he wasn't "arrested" by the police. He was "arrested" by the smell of a woman's neck and hair that he met while in transit to see Nelson.
  7. Why wouldn’t the IC share this info directly with the POTUS? Has James Comey returned?
  8. Only one way outta this hot mess, and that’s with...
  9. He took a job with the Bloomberg campaign, and didn’t want to take gas for it here. Hey, the pays real good.
  10. A short video of Bernie getting amped up prior to last night's debate debacle.
  11. Lizzy Warren took an axe And gave Mike Bloomberg 40 whacks.
  12. MiniMike is really an oligarch. That fits with the Dem’s MO. How many Czars did B O have exactly? Was it twenty or more, or just in the teens? It’s so hard to remember, there were so many.
  13. Nice linky thingy. I dislike Google quite a lot, but they do have some cool things.
  14. He’s a condescending prick of the first order of magnitude.
  15. This was easier than typing.
  16. Tonight’s debate should be telling. Bernie and Fauxahontis have no option other than attacking MiniMike. The others will back off because they’re already angling for a cushy job in his administration. They want a seat on the gravy train. ALL ABOARD!!!
  17. Why no you dipshit. I wasn’t. They’re not the same. Just like you’re not a credible poster.
  18. It’s the Democrat party way. Move heaven and earth to produce a predetermined outcome. Bernie as their candidate is NOT the predetermined outcome, so he MUST be marginalized. It’s enough to know that he is not their guy. Watch how they contort themselves to embrace MiniMike. They’ll suffer joint dislocations, herniated discs, and severe contusions and abrasions. But the money he lavishes on them will assuage their condition.
  19. https://nypost.com/2016/01/17/after-pardoning-criminal-marc-rich-clintons-made-millions-off-friends/ “Fifteen years ago this month, on Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, Bill Clinton issued a pardon for international fugitive Marc Rich. It would become perhaps the most condemned official act of Clinton’s political career. A New York Times editorial called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.”The usually Clinton-friendly New Republic noted it “is often mentioned as Exhibit A of Clintonian sliminess.” Congressman Barney Frank added, “It was a real betrayal by Bill Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.” Marc Rich was wanted for a list of charges going back decades. He had traded illegally with America’s enemies including Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, where he bought about $200 million worth of oil while revolutionaries allied with Khomeini held 53 American hostages in 1979.“ More at the link you limp-wristed Leftist ignorant red diaper babies.
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