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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Man, the energy! The enthusiasm! The strength! It’s really palpable, isn’t it?
  2. I'll tell you what's overblown. It's that people actually think that marijuana can cure diseases.
  3. They should use empty plastic water bottles. That would be a good use of them. Let's see. A barrel of oil is 42 gallons. So 77 million barrels is roughly 3,234,000,000 gallons. Tanker ships can haul between 310,000 and 550,000 barrels of oil. So we're looking at about 150 + large tankers worth of oil.
  4. Hooooh! Wood bee ack-a-tah ovh waah! Ack-a-tah ovh waah! Actually, I think President Trump will try to put Lijian Zhao and Chairman Xi's penises in a Chinese handcuff.
  5. He lost $500M betting on the Candidate lotto. He's licking his wounds, and fingers. I'm down about $800k so far but I'm staying in.
  6. Is it okay to cook Chinese food here?
  7. "Trump Told Governors to Get Their Own Goddamned Ventilators! Now that the media can no longer attack Trump over the coronavirus testing (as you’ll see below), we’ve moved to ventilators. “Ventilators” is the new Katrina, the new metric with which to beat Trump senseless… So naturally, the media are going to lie shamelessly, which is exactly what they are doing, even as I write these words: Here’s the president’s full quote: He’s telling the governors, Do what you can while we do what we can do. This is excellent advice the liars at the far-left New York Times are deliberately twisting to cause panic, to tell the public the president doesn’t care. Trump Seeks Monopoly on Coronavirus Vaccine What better way to increase the world’s hatred of America, everyone’s hatred of Trump, and cause even more illegal aliens to crash into our country (seeking a vaccine) than to spread the fake news the American president is looking to monopolize any potential coronavirus vaccine? But that is exactly what Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC did. This lie doesn’t even make sense. What good would it do America to corner the market on a vaccine? It costs us nothing to share the information so other countries can create their own vaccine. What good does it do the U.S. to sit around and watch everyone else die? Nationwide Curfew! Good ol’ Jim Sciutto, one of the most infamous liars in the country, a former Obama official hired by the serial liars at CNN to serial lie. “New: There are active discussions within the Trump administration to encourage a possible ‘curfew’ across the nation in which non-essential businesses would have to close by a certain time each night,” Sciutto wrote on social media, citing “CNN reporting.” It’s not true. And unless you’re looking to sow panic, it also makes no sense. What good would a curfew do, most especially a nationwide curfew? Does the virus only strike at night? There are reports Patient Zero ate a bat. Maybe it was a vampire bat! Trump Lied About the Google Website “Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site,” CNN anti-Trump activist Jake Tapper tweeted to his 2.3 million Twitter followers last week. He linked to a CNN story with the headline, “Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site anytime soon.” This was a story that smeared Trump as a liar for announcing Google will be building a national-scale coronavirus website. The original and very fake CNN story can be found here. Here’s the opener: Here’s the Google Search screencap which captured CNN’s lie: But now, if you click on that Google link, the CNN story says the exact opposite of what the original story said. Here’s the new headline and opener: Naturally, there is no editor’s note informing readers the original story was a lie or has been retracted or updated, which is highly unethical. CNN spread a bald-faced lie to undermine the president, got caught, and did everything in its malevolent power to cover that lie up. Trump Shut Down the CDC’s Pandemic Department! Do I even need to point out how virulent and widespread this talking point has been? Sigh: In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined. Trump Declared the Coronavirus a Hoax! This desperate lie, launched by the far-left Politico, was quickly debunked by fact-checkers, including the far-left Washington Post. That’s how big of a lie it is — the Washington Post conceded it was a lie. Nevertheless, CNN continues to spread this lie. Calling the Wuhan Virus the ‘Wuhan Virus’ Is Racist As has already been exhaustively pointed out, the naming of a virus or disease after a location — including a lily-white location like Lyme, Connecticut — is just how it’s done and has been done forever. But now it’s racist, even though the very same media declaring it racist is the very same media that first called it the “Chinese Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus,” or some variation thereof. Here’s a pretty comprehensive list that’s been floating around. There are probably more examples, but this more than makes the point: “Japan and Thailand Confirm New Cases of Chinese Coronavirus,” The New York Times, 1/15/20 “The CDC and Homeland Security begin screening for Chinese Coronavirus at three major US airports as outbreak spreads in Asia,” CNBC, 1/17/20 “Vaccine for new Chinese coronavirus in the works,” CNN, 1/20/20 “First U.S. case of potentially deadly Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” Washington Post, 1/21/20 “Chinese coronavirus outbreak has reached U.S. shores, CDC says,” Los Angeles Times, 1/21/20 “The First Case Of The Chinese Coronavirus Has Hit The US, CDC Reports,” Buzzfeed, 1/21/20 “First case of Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” NBC’s Today Show, 1/24/20 “Chinese coronavirus infections, death toll soar as fifth case is confirmed in U.S.,” Washington Post, 1/26/20 “Japan confirms case of new Chinese virus, spread is ‘concerning,'” Reuters, 1/15/20 “How the Chinese virus outbreak impacts Lunar New Year travel,” National Geographic, 1/24/20 “China coronavirus ‘spreads before symptoms show,'” BBC, 1/26/20 “Over a thousand ‘likely’ infected by Wuhan virus in China: Study,” Al Jazeera, 1/18/20 “Stop the Wuhan virus,” Nature Magazine editorial, 1/21/20) “China confirms Wuhan virus can be spread by humans,” CNN, 1/22/20 “First U.S. Case Reported of Deadly Wuhan Virus,” Wall Street Journal, 1/22/20 “Here are the symptoms of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus and when you should be worried,” Business Insider, 1/22/20 “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” Kaiser Health News, 1/24/20 “With Wuhan virus genetic code in hand, scientists begin work on a vaccine,” Reuters, 1/24/20 “The Wuhan Virus: How to Stay Safe,” Foreign Policy, 1/25/20 “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” USA Today, 1/29/20 “10-Year-Old Boy Raises Fears Wuhan Virus Could Spread Undetected,” Bloomberg, 1/29/20 “Your Questions About Wuhan Coronavirus, Answered, National Public Radio, 1/30/20 “Will the Wuhan virus become a pandemic?” The Economist, 1/30/20 NOTE: The photo in this article was on their COVER for this issue. Additionally, the video below is nothing less than a devastating compilation of just how dishonest and unserious the media are: 12.9K people are talking about this To sum this up, the fake news media floods these words and terms into the American lexicon, and then sanctimoniously turns around and attacks those who repeat them as racist. Trump Rejected WHO Coronavirus Test Kits Everyone from Grandpa Joe Biden to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Esquire to NBC News to, to, to… This is such a lie, the far-left PolitiFact debunked it. Trump Blocked Testing Because Lower Numbers are Good for His Reelection This lie arrives courtesy of the welfare queens at NPR and a Newsweek staffer’s hysterical amplification that has been retweeted almost a quarter-million times. And once again, I ask, how does this makes any sense? In the face of the facts, Trump is doing back-flips to start testing. What’s more, how does not testing benefit his re-election chances? It’s not as if people who test positive won’t eventually become symptomatic. This is not just a lie (no other media outlet has confirmed it, which means even CNN couldn’t find a lying source that has lied to them so many times before to lie about this one), it’s by far the stupidest lie on this list. It’s Trump Fault Coronavirus Testing Was Delayed Nope: 11. Trump Silenced Dr. Fauci This lie spread like wildfire before Fauci himself was given a chance to tell the truth. 12. [added] Trump Told Sick People to Got to Work Here’s CBS News flat-out lying with the flat-out lie that Trump told sick people to go to work. And that’s just one example. This lie spread like its own virus for days throughout the fake media. Here’s Trump’s full quote: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.” He’s not talking about what people should do, but that healthy people are going on about their business with the coronavirus not knowing they have it, which is undoubtedly true for the young and healthy. — We are plagued with a dishonest, unreliable, unserious, dangerous media, driven only by political calculation and naked greed. The media are so evil and indecent, even a pandemic can’t cure them." https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/03/17/nolte-all-the-establishment-medias-dangerous-coronavirus-lies/ Ripped off completely from Breitbart. The link was also posted upthread, but actually quoting the article will reach more people... especially those dishonest false rumor spreaders The Bad News Beagle Boys.
  8. If you call someone who was born in China Chinese, are you a racist? Asking for a friend.
  9. So how many times should one get tested for the Wuhan virus. I insist on calling it that because I've actually been in Wuhan. Pretty city. Nice museums. So, I'm asymptomatic. Should I get tested to see if I'm a carrier? If the test comes back negative, when do I get tested again? One week? Two? One Month? I won't really know that I don't have the disease until I actually get the disease and are tested positive for it. But what if it's a false positive - or worse - a false negative? How many times will they test me?
  10. I think it was Dr. Fauci or maybe Dr. Brix who said they received some kits that had a 40% false positive and 40% false negative results. They wouldn't us them and developed our own. From the CNN fact check article posted B-Man above: But CNN reported Wednesday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and WHO never discussed the latter providing tests to the United States, and WHO did not offer it tests. WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic told CNN this was not unusual, since the United States has the capacity to manufacture its own diagnostics. The CDC developed its own version of the coronavirus test on Jan. 17, the same day WHO published a German protocol for countries to use in manufacturing their own tests. While the United States has struggled to test for the virus on a mass scale, that still contradicts Biden's comment on Sunday, when he told debate moderator Jake Tapper, "Look, the World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them. We did not want to get them from them. We wanted to make sure we had our own." Lybrand wrote in CNN's live fact-checking blog of the debate, "Biden is correct. The U.S., along with other countries, chose not to take test kits from WHO — and instead decided to make their own." And of course Trump was only interested in keeping the DOW at record highs.
  11. How do I know that the symptoms I'm not having are really because I have the Wuhan bug and am asymptomatic or I'm not having symptoms because I don't have the Chinese virus?
  12. “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They have no clue, they can't even count their votes in Iowa.” “This is their new hoax,” Trump continued, adding that attacking the White House’s response to the coronavirus had become the Democratic Party’s “single talking point.” He's been attacked by hoaxes throughout his presidency. First Russiagate, then impeachment, and now that the Dems have run out of bullets, and they've thrown the gun at him, they're throwing their empty cartridge cases at him.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_virus_species Norovirus is actually the Norwalk Virus, named for Norwalk Ohio. Here are some variants: Norwalk virus Hawaii virus Snow Mountain virus Mexico virus Desert Shield virus Southampton virus Lordsdale virus Wilkinson virus Then again, we have Lyme disease - named for Lyme Connecticut, West Nile Virus, and who can forget the Black Death.
  14. Not sure if he really fits in with the modern EN EF EL. He always seems very intent on grabbing the ball carrier with his hands and wrapping him up with his arms and forcefully throwing them to the ground. He lacks that upright shoulder bump tackling technique that modern players use so much.
  15. Do a web search on “temporary layoff unemployment benefits” https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/collecting-unemployment-benefits-in-the-event-of-a-temporary-layoff.html
  16. It’s called temporary lay-off. It’s been around for years.
  17. Thank you. There still are state run unemployment benefits.
  18. Twice a day the Chinese go to parks to exercise and square dance. \
  19. I just finished up my binge watching of Homeland and am not feeling very favorable towards the Afghanis just now. So you think spraying water vapor is responsible for their marked drop in new cases and their effectively halting the Wuhan virus? I'll be right back. Going to take a nice long shower to keep those bugs away.
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