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Everything posted by WyoAZBillfan

  1. Same, from Buffalo Bills page…not sure it’s THE Buffalo Bills page but, that’s the report.
  2. Damn auto correct!! Fixed it. Maybe Dawn Gable was great at something too lol
  3. Missed two games, and was gimped for several more. I agree he’s dynamic and would add to the Bills. He does seem fragile though.
  4. I feel both can be true. As been stated last playoff game was a team failure, which is how I see it. good luck LF in future endeavors. Go Bills!!
  5. Which coaches? Out of curiosity? I want to think TB for Gruden, but time is showing that to be a lucky fluke. Who are others?
  6. Maybe it’s addition by subtraction, Bills not only make the play odds but win and win a SB as well! All a mindset and honestly it why they play the game!! Just enjoy the ride it’s entertainment!
  7. I recall Steelers having a big interest as well.
  8. He has and does make bone head plays, media don’t cover them. Indy, Chargers, heck even against Denver he struggled.
  9. You mean the guy who’s son is in jail? That coach? Throwing that out there.
  10. Two exceptions? Really, bet you could find more successful attempts I’d you tried.
  11. KC will find a way to lose this one. I just don’t see the consistency with them today. They are getting hot, but Philly seems to find a way, much like KC has the last few years.
  12. There is an adjustment, it takes place during election years.
  13. Not quite advocating that either. Just believe the lines must be fixed. One position I or player isn’t going to do it. Buffalo could’ve gotten Any number of named WRs this year and while I can’t predict what would’ve happened, my eyes tell me 17 didn’t have time to get the ball to anyone a lot of the time. Throw in the D failure and we’re absolute one dimensional with no time to be…one dimensional. i do concur with what your saying though. Just different views.
  14. Didn’t say, imply or even mention that. Just asked a question. I’m in the camp off fix the O-line and the rest will come together much better. Of the players mentioned, how many of them had an actual good team to complement them all around. Big picture type stuff.
  15. While this is a nice list, how many super bowls have been won with those players and the elite talent?
  16. You’ve a turd in your pocket? Not really much of an “us” in this conversation. The “numerous” fans remind me of a girl I dated, lives in the Niagara Falls area.
  17. Just curious, those are accepted as some of the best coaches ever. How many SB’s combined, years coaching/teams before said wins. Constant change don’t work, we’ve seen that. Let’s see your solutions, names that are going to get the Bills over that hump, it’s way too easy to whine, complain and just vent the same vomit repeatedly. Let’s hear those names/hiring that are going to do it. John Harbaugh is in my mind a great coach with a long history, and how many rings…? I don’t, at all! Please elaborate. That whole …paragraph makes my point.
  18. How many of those games are close or relatively close until the D gets that turnover or stop and JA puts it away? I can recall (last season?) Dolphins, Rams games. JA beat the Titans with that sneak? Certainly not the Pats wind game.. im the biggest JA fan around, but others definitely have helped win games. Can’t argue this logic, I don’t see McD as the problem this season though.
  19. See Bill B with the Pats. Reid in KC and Jimmy Johnson in the 90’s. Possibly the 80’s 49’ers and get back to the board.
  20. You had merit until 13 seconds. If that kick off is appropriate for the situation. KC likely don’t move into position with time left on the board. To say the D was terrible in last 3 playoff losses, do you also say the opponents D was terrible as well? The Bengals beat us easily, KC needed a horrible decision and a ton of luck to give them the win with the 13 seconds. AFCC the Bills weren’t even supposed to be there, kind of a wash to say the D was terrible if comparing to other games that year. There’s not 32 in the playoffs, that’sa flawed argument, especially when they make it past wildcard round.
  21. Going to be a challenge without draft assets to get more players, and as far as Payton being some savior I don’t buy it. He had a really good team for years and just one SB against rather subpar NFC foes. My hope is the Broncos actually challenge KC twice a year.
  22. They each have vowels in their name, wear helmets at work and it’s been reported orange crayons were the best tasting in grade school.
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