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Everything posted by WyoAZBillfan

  1. This is like bragging you just pooped your pants and wearing flip-flops. Bye bye pants pockets.
  2. And, he’s been a drive killer quite often as well. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’d love to see Beasley, Smoke, Diggs, Gabe, Knox and Q. Even Shakir rather than McK. Just my opinion though.
  3. The players and coaches were doing their jobs. As you said front office should be worried about draft picks. Feels like asking players to lose would be something like “hey let up and coast so that we can draft your superior replacement next spring”. Not the coaches worry, his is to prepare the team and make game decisions. Not the players worry. Sure you end up missing out on that sure thing, but how has that worked out for Cleveland, AZ, Detroit and so many other teams that have had #1 picks in multiple years? it’s only valuable if you hit the right player AND even then you’ve got to have a system for them to flourish.
  4. Playing the game to win is a hateful move? It’s what I would want our coach to do. I’m selfish that way too.
  5. Terrible call, that happens as much as the holding. Convenient to call it there.
  6. Pretty sure they both can be available…you know, again. Gabe did and had made many clutch catches in his time. Not sure if you seen but Smoke has been unemployed for a minute also
  7. Of course we all know he will be cleared, though he may have an extensive ingrown tour nail keep him on the injury report.
  8. And yet passed him up in the draft…another reason he should’ve been out of a job years ago.
  9. I said a big TY to him after that, much like when they jinx the kickers lol.
  10. I’d like to back the Pats cause well it’s the Pats. I think Romo might actually be correct in the thinking they are figuring out (Matt P, is copying what McDaniels did last year) the dunk and dunk technique. Still not a huge threat.
  11. He’s done some Tua-like rainbows, you may recall the bomb for pick by Hyde (I think) last season.😬
  12. I think 13 is going to make a catch/score in this game, two throws been behind (not an excuse we see others make those catches) and I think 17 knows his passes are off again.
  13. lol. Face guarding needs contact as Milano hands are on the visor, I’m not complaining mind you.. just so inconsistent by the NFL.
  14. Or, you could just post something relevant. All teams have their ups and downs as the game flows. After the win you’ll still find something to nit pick about, call it PTSD or whatever. I call it spoiled and too many hot takes.
  15. He’s thrown two picks so far. Not exactly the bengals day though.
  16. I agree, it was what one of the clowns said during the KC game, I’m guessing due to the large amount of visiting fans.
  17. I for one want y’all to keep Mac around for years, be it a real OC, fake OC or the hot dog vender posing as an OC. I think he’s great and a ton of untapped potential. Also Brady had years where he most certainly was not surrounded by the Hills, Kelces, Diggs or other super stars and still found a way to win, improvisation or check down.
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