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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. I agree with you. Beane and McD seem too savvy not to have ANY flexibility. That said, if there’s any year where they’re going to struggle with flexibility, it’s definitely this year since the cap went down.
  2. That’s cool, I didn’t know that there was a Bills version of that song.
  3. Did your Dad ever get lucky and guess winning lottery numbers? 🤣 Cool Dad memory. It’s cool to see all the family memories on here.
  4. Cool memories! I remember getting a JK autograph as well. What a great story and memory. Wow, one of your first color TV experiences. Nice!
  5. Huge props to you both! What a hard first memory. Since I became a fan in the late 80s, that memory is a part of my early year memories as well. if I’m not mistaken, I believe I called my Dad after the game crying that they lost. I must’ve passed this gene on to my kids. They both got teary-eyed as they watched the Bills lose the AFC championship game this year. What a fun year last season was. Go Bills! I never knew about that cheer.
  6. That’s an awesome memory to have with your dad. That’s a cool family memory to have.
  7. Since I became a fan in the late 80s, I didn’t watch OJ. Since you guys were fans in the OJ days, in your opinion, what were the big differences between him and TT? if you feel that he was way better than TT, what are the reasons that stand out to you? Wow, that’s really cool!
  8. Wow, bro, you’re dedicated! What a tough time to become a fan. Mad props. Awesome story!
  9. Hey fellow Bills fans! First time OP here. My earliest memory is in 1988. It’s when the Bills went into Chicago and lost to the Bears 24-3. I believe 1988 is also the year the Bills became my favorite team. I should’ve taken the Bears game as a sign. 🤣 Just teasing, I love the Bills. What’s your earliest memory of our beloved Bills? Also, if you remember, give the year. Go Bills!
  10. Let’s just hope that something like this NEVER happens with JA. #ABuffaloBillForLife
  11. You said it well, Hap. It does feel really good to trust the front office.
  12. Wow! Can’t believe it. But yes, happy birthday, JK!
  13. Sorry for your loss, bro. So hard, especially when it’s the mama.
  14. Yep! My mothers name is Karen. Say sorry to my Mama!
  15. IMO, it’s better than hearing how great Mahomes is. Didn’t want to see Mahomes have two over Allen when it comes to Super Bowl wins. Hopefully Allen can get his next year. Go Bills!
  16. I hear ya. For many reasons, football season is my favorite time of year (as I’m sure it is for most of us on here). Go Bills!
  17. Bro, he came in 2nd for MVP (even beating out the “coveted” Mahomes) and he carried the team for most of the year.
  18. While you never know, since every game is it’s own entity, I don’t believe they would have. During the game, with the way the bucs were playing, I mentioned to my kids that maybe it was good that we didn’t make it this year. What’s weird is, before this game, I would’ve thought that the best matchup for the bills to give them a good chance of winning was against the bucs. I was definitely wrong. Go Bills!
  19. Bro, that list is insane (and not in a good way). I wouldn’t trade Allen for any of those players, not even Mahomes.
  20. So glad that he didn’t join the patriots. It’s such a fine line, isn’t it? If he would’ve joined the patriots maybe you would’ve started to not like them. That said, now you love him for dissing the patriots. 🤣🤣🤣
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