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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. Why don’t you think they’re going after Houston? Age, money or something else? Yup. Agreed! I’ve had similar thoughts. Kind of surprised that they haven’t shown interest in him. Do you think it comes down to them not thinking he’s a process guy? Part of the reason I started the thread was because I don’t know as much about players outside of the bills. That said, there’s been a few available players that I’ve been surprised that the bills haven’t shown interest.
  2. I agree and this is part of the reason I brought up the topic. We really need someone and was wondering what the mafia was thinking about the remaining FAs as well as draft prospects.
  3. I agree. Anybody you can think of either a remaining free agent or in the draft that could help? Why don’t you think they’re interested in either? Is it just money in your opinion?
  4. I was wondering about Justin Houston. That said, I don’t know enough about him. So, I didn’t know if the Bills weren’t interested because of age or money?
  5. Man, if that’s the case, I really hope Beane can pull off some type of miracle. Pass rusher, at least in my opinion, is THE piece they need.
  6. Thanks for your thoughts. What route would you take? Remaining FA or draft?
  7. I don’t know much about him but he is Washington’s all time sack leader.
  8. As I believe most of us think, we still need a viable option at pass rusher to take the next step this year. While I am very knowledgeable of our Bills, I don’t pretend to be as knowledgeable with players around the NFL. And, I definitely don’t know much about college players. So, I’d like to hear from you, the mafia. If you were Beane, and the price did not mortgage our future, would you chase after a remaining free agent pass rusher? Or, would you get someone in draft? If it’s a remaining pass rusher, who would you get? If it’s the draft, who would you draft? Thanks for your thoughts. Go Bills!
  9. I guess that “stunning” audition last year sold them. Hopefully he “trips” them up this year.
  10. Don’t need to necessarily win 3 of 4 in a SB run. .500 ball is acceptable. Bills lost two in a row last year on their way to the AFCG. Heck, even the Pats have had a SB run (and won it) losing two out of four. To each his own, but with us being contenders, I’d rather have the guy who has had some experience if we needed him for a stretch. Hopefully it won’t come to that though and we have JA the whole year again.
  11. Since he’s unproven, it’s quite possible. 🤣 Really? Not saying Fromm is bad (we don’t know) but Trubisky at least has played in and won many games. And, his stats aren’t as bad as his rep seems to be.
  12. This is what I love about Beane and McD. While it would’ve been great to get Ertz, they typically only get really good players when it doesn’t mortgage their future. They want sustained success not just a run.
  13. I agree. And, it feels good. Although, I’d still like them to add at least a good pass rusher.
  14. Interesting thought. If you were Beane, do you really want to have to trust Fromm though if we are on a Super Bowl run and JA goes down for a few weeks to a month?
  15. I get what you’re saying. I hope that they are able to add a good pass rusher this off-season. That said, they were much better in the second half of the year. And, we are getting Star back. We know how missed he was last year. I’m not saying our defense will be all world because of him but our defense will look different (and be better) next year with him in there again.
  16. Bro, major props for making it three weeks though. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone having to wait so long. Not even close!
  17. Wow, bro! That has to be one of the worst ruined final outcomes I’ve ever heard. No wonder you don’t want to relive it!
  18. #IFeelYourPain That’s why my phone is “hiding“ now when I watch. I try to put it on do not disturb before that if I can.
  19. Ah, the good old family slip. That’s a funny story, bro! “I love you, Mom, but we’ll have to talk later.” 🤣 My sister texted me in 2019 and said congratulations and then tried to play it off until after I watched the game. It was the season opener of 2019 when we beat the Jets 17 to 16. Because the Jets were up 16-0, I thought that maybe in she was joking. Sure enough, the bills came back and won by a point. Woohoo!!! Yeah, I don’t like when people say that they haven’t “said anything” even if they give something away or showed a face that revealed something. “What, I didn’t do anything, I’m innocent!” I have lived in California for going on six years now. I definitely agree with you, while it hasn’t been perfect, it’s definitely easier to get away without hearing scores in California. It was much harder when I lived on the East Coast.
  20. Yeah, my phone is definitely “hiding” in my room when I can eventually watch it. Before I can watch it, if I’m able to, I’ll put my phone on “Do not disturb”. Oh wow! That would’ve definitely been a range of emotions within just a few minutes.
  21. I’ve been in a career where I typically have to work on Sundays. So, I usually have to DVR every Bills game. So, I’m used to having to dodge scores and tell people not to say anything to me before I watch the game. Obviously I’ve had the final score ruined on multiple occasions but there’s one that stands out. In the first year I was married, my wife and I got away for the weekend and I asked one of my friends to record the game for me so I could watch it when I get back. Literally, almost the moment I walked through the door my friend tells me that he was sorry because the bills lost a heartbreaker. I was like, bro, why did you just tell me the score of the game??? That’s why I asked you to record the game. If I recall correctly, he goes on to tell me something like that he didn’t think I would mind because he’s the type of person that likes to read the last page of a book first before he reads the rest. That little tidbit would’ve been nice to know beforehand, ya think? Even though I am a much bigger fan than my wife, especially back then, I think she was more upset than I was (at least vocally). Being the diehard fan that I am though, I still had to watch the game even though I already knew the outcome and that they were going to lose. Ever watch a game hoping that somehow the outcome would be different once you watched it? 🤣 OK, your turn to share your pain. Share a time where a Bills outcome was ruined for you. And, did you still watch the game? Go Bills!
  22. Let’s hope for 4-0 in their division. Just bring on TB and the Bucs!
  23. Was she mad because he left a note instead of telling her face to face, because he took a four-year-old to a game with an NFL record amount of arrests or because he didn’t take her instead? Or, all three? 🤣 Just one before I die!!! Actually, I’m hoping for a couple under the Beane/McD/JA regime. Go Bills!
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