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Everything posted by ziltoid

  1. So they are lining up a second kicker. I would imagine they will need a second punter, do they have one in mind? That Lachlin guy, or Vedvik? When does the PS get finalized? Sorry for all the questions.
  2. Scum off the streets = win for Trump Scum still on the streets = Ridin with Biden
  3. This is a win for the law and order president. Thank you for posting this.
  4. The FONZ. You were so close @SectionC3. You just guessed the wrong WNY city & county was on fire. Maybe Buffalo next weekend?
  5. Definitely some inconsistencies when you look at the big picture. They are just modelers, their heads are deep in lots of data. My guess for the dire modeling is this - the virus stays the same, but people get more susceptible to any virus as their immune systems wane in the low vitamin D winters. All in all, I am a glass half full guy and the modelers are definitely glass half empty. I think we’ll be below the low end of their estimate, and I have a hunch it’ll be that dastardly thing called herd immunity. Time will tell.
  6. I honestly just think they try to generate the best revenue for their organization. Morals and honesty be damned. The tinfoil hat side of me thinks something way more sinister. But that guy is told to shut his damn mouth!
  7. I think the imminent colder weather is the main driver in their model. They don’t expect the 20% herd immunity level that some have guessed at to hold any water. And the biggest takeaway here is, and I hesitate to say it, the modelers think that masks don’t work. They expect a big case increase by the end of Oct. Here’s hoping they are just smoking the wacky tabacy. The modelers expected an abatement in the summer that didn’t happen, now they expect an increase in the winter that may not occur either.
  8. You forgot parking lot sex! And what about that Tenn Bills fan flying to his inevitable destruction. So many to choose from.
  9. When somebody tests positive on Weds, I’ll be glad our guys were wearing masks on Sunday. It’s all about reducing the percentages, and it makes sense to this guy.
  10. @Magox I have not seen this new model, link please?
  11. As a non-POC (is that the right term?), I would love for someone with the proper PHD from UC Berkley, Harvard or Yale to explain to me the pros and cons of using the term "house black person", "Uncle Tom", etc. It doesn't look like it helps.
  12. He forgot to add that HIV is only spread by red hat wearing truckers too.
  13. Nice. I was just thinking about Jamie Mueller, Larry Kinnebrew, Sam Gash, etc.
  14. If he can play kickoff and punt coverage, he’ll make the 53. Probably won’t get any touches, if he does we’re in trouble anyways.
  15. Me, in the WR/TE discussion. Bummer it is bad enough to shut DiMarco down. Warrior salute!
  16. Fair enough. Try searching the term trump, I hear he may have caused some consternation somewhere once.
  17. Yes, because my dream is to put little kids to work. Why did that comment russle your jimmies so much? Capitalism ruin your life?
  18. Went into this with high hopes, but that's a no for me. The other one from a couple of years ago - Rachael something, yes.
  19. I feel like you already know this, but - welcome to the wild west. Both political factions do it here; mods just avoid this cesspool. Proceed at your own risk!
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