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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I agree. He really does his homework. I really like when he talks about the opposing teams players. He gives great insight. That allows me to watch the game in a different and more informed way. Things I wouldn't know what to look for become more obvious and clear.
  2. I agree here. However, that was two years ago and Davis has pretty much underwhelmed since then. His short comings are obvious. He still can be effective as a WR3 or 4. I think the Bills need a more consistent reliable and more diverse WR2. Gabe falls short here in my eyes. I'm fine with letting another team overpay for him similar to Edmunds.
  3. Great video here. Some fantastic breakdowns and analysis in up coming game.
  4. I disagree here. They started out slowly before and figured it out. They won a SB last year with mediocre receivers. I have little doubts the Chiefs won't be the team to beat come season's end.
  5. The Chiefs lack offensive weapons after Hill left. It was really amazing how they won a SB with just Kelce as their lone weapon. In the end I think the Chiefs will be the team to beat. Simple: Mahomes + Elite Oline + Andy Reid = Super Bowls. Right now, I'm just going to enjoy the Chiefs loss. I liked every minute of it.
  6. That was a fun game. Happy the Chiefs lost.
  7. I agree with you on how the Bills offense is likely to succeed. That Jets D looks tough. On the other hand, are you confident the Bills D can stop the Jets O? Who is going to stop Garrett Wilson? Can they stop the three headed Jets running game with consistently? Who is a reliable pass rusher? Will McD have to blitz to create pressure? Will Bernard be exposed? I think the Jets will ask Rodgers to make a few big plays and be a great game manager. Not sure it's enough. I think the Bills on the road against a very hostile crowd will ask Allen to do much more. He will have to scramble and make big plays with his legs and arms. Diggs didn't do anything vs the Jets last season. Another WR is going to have to step up. The running game has to be effective.
  8. I want to see Allen hoist the Lombardi Trophy. But I did see him play seven games and 45 plays. Extremely short sample but I saw little to nothing that left me encouraged. I saw nothing that indicates he's close to being a starter. Dopey (fitting name perhaps) what did you see?
  9. I hear you Shaw. I always value your posts and thoughtful opinions. However, the fact does remain that Bernard has really done next to nothing on the field. Granted, it's a small sample size of 7 games and 45 plays. I know he's young and learning. Nevertheless, it's something and it shouldn't be dismissed either. Not saying you are doing this. Just trying to point of there's little empheracal evidence that suggest Bernard is a serviceable starting MLB. Yes, that can happen and I hope it does. However, the opposite seems more likely based on his play, scouting report short comings which appear to be true, his size, etc... Personally, I just can't get behind the Beane and McD theory that they know more than us. Sure, that's true but their knowledge isn't an indicator that they are correct here. There's plenty of instances where they've been wrong. No need to elaborate. Just my two sense with respect.
  10. I'm wondering if any Bills fans can say they are happy with what they've seen in Bernard. If so, I'd like to hear it. All I hear is Bernard is young, not enough of a sample size and playing time, and trust Beane and McD. All has some validity but none of that eludes optimism in this fans eyes.
  11. Looked at some of his tape. Saw a few Oregon games too.
  12. So your answer to the question is basically trust McD and Beane? Certainly, your opinion could be correct but there are also differing viable explanations. Firstly, Beane and McD chose to prioritize the offense and something had to give. Secondly, I think Beane and McD were surprised that Edmunds was offered such a big contract. I think they planned on signing him all along. The Bears overpaid so it forced their hands. Thirdly, I think Beane and McD felt l one of the MLB guys on the roster would step up. Whether it was Klein, Dodson, Bernard, or Spector. I believe they optimistically thought the competition would bring out the best in one of them. By all accounts that just didn't happen. Fourthly, the Kirksey signing is a good one considering the roster. It can't hurt whatsoever. His experience despite his short comings probably makes him the starter soon. I believe both Kirksey and the Bills organization thinks Kirksey can be an effective stop gap. For now, it's Bernard starting on Monday night. The spot light is certainly on him. Bernard with his quickness reminds me of Lawrence Taylor and or Cornelius Bennett. Bernard might just be a slow learner.
  13. I'm not calling him a bust. I'm saying what I've seen indicates he is a back up at best. I'm saying he shouldn't be in the starting lineup. I'm saying he is a liability to the defense. I'm saying I see little to nothing that gives me encouragement that the guy is anything but a serviceable back up. I'm saying that Beane reached for this pick. I'm saying the MLB position looks to be a major weakness of the defense. I'm saying I don't like having to go against the Jets with MLB Bernard in the starting unit. Yes he is young. Yes he could improve. However, what have you seen that indicates this is likely? The Bills Brass made a calculated hoping one of the MLBs on their current roster would step up. It looks like that didn't happen. Beane as a result picked up a veteran MLB Kirksey. Once he's up to speed he's an upgrade. Not great but serviceable. Hopefully, this weakness is marginal. I'd rather take my swings with the offense and Allen. It looks like Beane agrees.
  14. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10021397-terrel-bernard-nfl-draft-2022-scouting-report-for-baylor-lb.amp.html Lets paint a clear picture here. Thus far, the scouting report looks pretty accurate. Bernard play light, can't shed blocks well, doesn't fit well into a MLB role, and has shown nothing thus far to think he's a quality starter. Correct me if I'm wrong. He was a projected 5th round pick and a project. Beane reached and the pick was a head scratcher then and now. In short, I get the optimism and of course he could blossom; maybe into the next Lawrence Taylor. Let's dream big!
  15. Agree but it's not exactly a ringing endorsement for the Bills. I'm hearing the Bills oline is likely to have problems and issues dealing with the talented Jets Dline. Thus, the Bills are reliant on a quality OC Dorsey's play calling. That is a bit concerning after what we saw last season. I think the game comes down to Allen playing super man and if any Robins emerge.
  16. Hopefully, the Bills and the McD led D can mitigate the MLB weakness. Get creative with different schemes. McD has a great chance to show off his defensive coaching skills. Looking forward to it. I would like to see that. You think this is the likely happen? If so why?
  17. He shouldn't be starting. He's shown nothing to indicate he's capable. This is a calculated risk Beane and McD took. I guess we will see how bad it is because there's unlikely any good coming on Monday night. Close your eyes and cross your fingers. I stand by what I said. He wasn't that good in Oregon either. The pick was a WTF moment from Beane. He has at least one in every draft.
  18. What in your right mind makes you think he's competent? He played 45 plays in 7 games last year. He was pretty much a liability out there. All you have is that he's young and can improve. But that kind of goes by the waste side too because he wasn't very good in college either. Come on now let's get honest here. The guy is nowhere near starting caliber. We fans have to hold out breath and hope he doesn't blow up the defense.
  19. Liability with clears. My only hope is that he doesn't get exposed too much. A D like performance grade might be good enough. Kind of like taking a college class pass or fail.
  20. Come on dude. He filled in a bit when Edmunds was hurt. The guy looked lost and couldn't shed a tackle. Let get honest here. There is absolutely nothing that indicates he is an effective starter. Kirksey will be there shortly.
  21. Damar is good at the run and a liability on the pass. To be honest, I expect bad...
  22. Hyde already banged up. Don't think he will be healthy all year. Seems like his body has broken down.
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