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Rick 'r Mortis

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Everything posted by Rick 'r Mortis

  1. I know this is about Allen vs Rivers... But I like the fact that Mike Glennon threw for 261 yards against the Colts. Allen with 400+ and the win?
  2. Me. But I work third shift and had the night off. Didn't know what to do with myself all night or this morning 🤣
  3. I'm right there with you. You could say I was an original bandwagon fan. I was 11 yrs old when the Bills faced off against the Giants in the Superbowl. I think I picked the Bills based off their helmets and jerseys 😂 Little did I know that they would return to the Superbowl the next three years. But I stuck with them through all the heartache lol. That video was awesome...so ready for today.
  4. I don't see Taylor doing anything close to what he did last week.
  5. So excited. My Bills Mafia hoodie is on its way...should be here by the 13th 🙄
  6. I'm loving reading that people have already been identified and lost their jobs. Take it a step further please.
  7. It's been a long 10 years. I'm also ready for him to finally dominate.
  8. I was in the other room, so maybe I didn't get this completely right. But I heard Trump say something to the effect of "we have never lived in a time like this. We will not let them take this from us." So assuming he's referring to the election, he's straight up inciting all of this like he has throughout his term. He needs to be put down.
  9. For me, Allen comes to mind. A few times this season he has started the game amped up and missing some plays. I think a big part of his maturation this season is due to no fans and him being able to settle down more quickly.
  10. I'm not sure if you're serious or not...but I am. Who is this clown?
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