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Everything posted by JoshAllin

  1. Why is Norman targeted in this topic? Is he even a starter
  2. Some here were actually scared of the phins as a playoff matchup 😂
  3. I say let them finish the 1st half, let em run hot to the playoffs
  4. Dont think a 29pt lead is a good close situation when defenses just want the game to end
  5. Was also probably the max bet he could make otherwise it'd be more
  6. Steelers probably want ravens who theyre 2-0 vs this season
  7. Looks like ravens are guaranteed a 5th or 6th spot with a win, so bills want that 2 spot as well
  8. Ravens D should be healthy by playoff time. And the offense has been averaging over 40 pts during their playoff push. I'd take miami still
  9. If the bills backups are winning by the first half, the best play is throw the second half and gift the starters for next week
  10. If the scenario plays out. Im afraid that would be a very billsy thing to. Mcd coaches lights out his best game of the season vs miami and then gets destroyed by the ravens the following week
  11. If this was last years bills defense I wouldnt mind ravens. But yeah anyone else besides them for the 1st po game
  12. Yeah dont like ravens, I hope they do their best to avoid a early matchup vs them
  13. I like the buying the bills line up to +3. I see this a very tight game at worst for the bills 27-26 type game
  14. Seems like every time theres an ounce of wind swirling for the game coaches change gameplan away from it
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