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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. I walk down the street every day and see dozens of "Yankees Suck" and "Jeter Swallows" shirts. I just don't care, MLB sanctioned or not. That kind of stuff comes with winning. You're telling me you can't buy a "Yankees Suck" at Twins on Yawkee way?
  2. Not going anywhere. Been here since '89, career's here, family is here. I like the area, I don't like most of your fans. Look around the rest of the US, Vince. Sox fans are intolerable to be around. There are a ton of lame-o Yankees fans out there, too, I'll give you that, but a lot of Sox fans are just trying to pick a fight. "Yankees Suck" chants in other ballparks, even at hokey games. Now Sox Nation gets bullstevestojan over a "Who's your Daddy" T-shirt. Sorry, man, but that's pretty dumb. I don't know you, you're probably a decent guy, but look around, man.
  3. I liked the Mularky pick. A coaching comodity doesn't automatically translate into wins. Gibbs is 1 and 4 with the 'Skins. Coughlin looks good now, but that team strings together a couple losses, and they'll tune him out pretty quick. I have no doubt that Mularky will be the man very soon. We go on a pretty good run and people will be naming their newborns "Mularky" in Western NY.
  4. Initially, on Sunday evening and Monday, most of us were still drunk and pissed, and were looking to string up a variety of people. I would have helped him pack myself on sunday (actually not true...I would have drank his beers while he loaded his van). He has assembled on paper what should be a team making a run at the playoffs. Instead we're in the crapper 1/4 in to the season. I'm sure if you analyzed any GMs drafts and FA moves with a microscope, such as we do here, most wouldn't stand up. He clearly doesn't call the plays, or decides who goes in on every down. That being said, 4 years of re-building blows, man. Three years ago we were 3-13, with 6 or 7 losses where we lost by a touchdown or less. We were hopefull, freewheeling and fancy free. Now we're drunk and surly looking to throw some eggs and tomatoes. I don't think the guy is going anywhere unless he decides to bail on his own, but it still hurts, man...it still hurts.
  5. Yankees in 7. Yankee pitching isn't as bad as most talking heads say it is (when has ESPN ever been right), and the Sox, well, in a word...Francona. Besides, this is the way it always has and always will end for them and their craptacular fans...in misery. Cards in 5. The 'Stros fall back to earth. Gonna be a fun WS if you're really into chess-match type baseball...Torre vs. La Russa.
  6. I'd try the bleach that's safe for colors, then I'd fire Donahoe, bench Bledsoe, and get McGahee more carries...but that's just me.
  7. kind of depends on how well Losman does in the long run, because that pick we gave up was essentially for him. I do think TD underestimated how bad we were gonna be this year, though.
  8. Sox fans are the worst, maybe only second to Pats fans. Complete a-holes. I mentioned this in a thread over the weekend, but I'll tell the story again, because I'm at work and no one is here yet. Went to Safeco field in Seattle for an annual baseball trip in september. The Sox were there for a four game set. The mariners were roughly 30 games out of first place, and the few local fans that were there were there to see Ichiro and the hits record and Edgar martinez because he was retireing. For both games I went to, the lame-ass Sox fans taunted Ichiro, chanted ED-GAR, ED-GAR when that dude was up, and started a "Yankees suck" chant. A "yankees suck" chant at a Seattle Mariners game. Morons.
  9. Agreed. Question: I have to "watch" the games on the internet by reading the play-by-play, so I don't get to see who lines up in the offensive sets. How often are they putting Moulds, Evans and Reed out there together? Basically, how often is Evans out there compared to Shaw?
  10. Totally agree, man. It's not like JP has to take this team on his back and get us to the Superbowl. Get the kid in there, let him run for his life behind this craptacular line we have, and get a feel for the game. By the time he gets a half-way decent line, he'll have insane pocket presence. The sooner we get JP, Evans and McGahee on the same page the better. We're freaking 0-4 for godsakes.
  11. Yeah, that season was brutal. By the end of the season, when our offense got the ball, I'd switch over to the NFC game on Fox, or a re-run of Baywatch on the USA network, just so I didn't have to watch them go 3 and out. Even so, that team was probably better than this one. That season, we were one of "those" teams...those teams that lose seven games by 7 points or less. An up and coming team...three years ago....sigh.
  12. I'll always live and die with the Bills, even though my liver is shot and I'm probably developing a cancerous ulcer. I will however, root very hard for any team that plays against the Pats. Hate is not a strong enough word for how I feel about them and their fans.
  13. I hear you, dude. I have to live with these a-holes. Sox fans may even be worse than Pats fans. I was at a game at Safeco field in Seattle (annual baseball trip) and the Sox were in town playing a four game set with the Mariners. The local 9 were like 30 games out of first by then, and fans were basically there to see Ichiro trying to set the hits record, and see Edgar Martinez in his last season. Fuggin' lame-o Sox fans taunted Ichiro, chanted "ED-GAR" when Martinez was up, and believe-it-or-not, started a "Yankees Suck" chant. WTF? "Yankees Suck" at a Mariner's game? Classless a-holes. If they never win anything else it will be too soon.
  14. Says it all right there, man. Losman can't start fast enough. Do I even bother putting the Bledsoe jersey on ebay, or do I leave it in the bushes I threw it into yesterday afternoon?
  15. Instead of getting drunk watching them and praying to god they'll win, I can get drunk watching them and be pleasantly surprised when they eventually do win.
  16. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!! Sweeeeeeet. This is the stuff dreams are made of, people! Mularkey was saving him all game, and we thought he was an idiot. Oh my God, I've actually got tears of joy running down my face and into my Labatts.
  17. They've turned it around!!!! Drew is back to pro-bowl form!!! We're going to the SuperBowl, we're going to the SuperBowl!!!
  18. TD was probably banking on getting it back by unloading Henry in a trade. Wow, did that backfire. I don't know whether to laugh or break down sobbing.
  19. It probably wouldn't do much for us on the feild, but we could throw stevestojan at his Ryder truck as he leaves town. That's almost as good as a win.
  20. It's even more fun to just read the live play-by-play of the game on the internet... 3-13-NYJ28 (9:27) C.Pennington pass to W.Chrebet to NYJ 44 for 16 yards (T.McGee). PENALTY on BUF-P.Prioleau, Unnecessary Roughness, 15 yards, enforced at NYJ 44. 1-10-BUF41 (8:59) C.Martin left tackle to BUF 41 for no gain. PENALTY on BUF-A.Schobel, Defensive Offside, 5 yards, enforced at BUF 41 - No Play. 1-5-BUF36 (8:46) C.Pennington pass incomplete to S.Moss. PENALTY on BUF, Defensive Pass Interference, 35 yards, enforced at BUF 36 - No Play. That's good comedy, man.
  21. Retired my Bledsoe jersey a couple weeks ago. Actually brought out the Kelly jersey for the Pats game. Haven't worn it since he retired, but I figured what-the-hell right. My Losman jersey is on the way, too. Contemplated getting an Evans or a McGahee, but I'm not sure either one is still on the team....
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