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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. That was nice of FOX to zero in on "The Hero's" booger. Great camera work. I smell an Emmy.
  2. If this was a baseball messageboard, I'd vote for changing billsfanone (doo.m.ed) to Herredia. I mean, does anyone else feel like plucking out their own eyes when you see him out there? Gil, you are on center-freaking stage, buddy. Shut them down.
  3. All-in-all, not a bad outing by Leiber. Torre needed him to go deep into the game, bingo, he goes deep into the game. Three runs...Schilling is out...Cornrows is coming in. We'll see. We'll see.
  4. If i'm Torre, I'm leaving Leiber in this until his arm flies off his freaking body. Rest the pen for tomorrow's cage match. Leave it up to the bats tonight.
  5. Settle down people. This game will go at least 11 innings. 4 runs is no big deal. It's the bottom of the fourth. Torre provides...Torre provides.
  6. Couldn't agree more. If Schilling is useless, Francona has to give him an early hook before the game gets away from them. If he collapses early, the Sox are screwed. The Yankees have to put them away early tonight. I think it's Jeter's turn to come up huge. The Captain gets it done tonight.
  7. Credit card reciepts. I wash' em down with cheap red wine because it makes the ink run .
  8. The Man is already tracking us through self-flushing urinals and toilets. When you walk up to one of those things, the little red light hits you right in the chest (or the ass if you're in a stall). That's how He tracks you. It tells him, "Hey, Johnny Coli just took a leak at the Galleria Mall. We better keep an eye on him." Well not anymore. The Man can't track me anymore. He's not gonna keep me down. I use alleys and doorways now. I'm getting myself a "Stadium Pal" for Christmas. http://www.stadiumpal.com/ Join the revolution people. Down with the Man.
  9. It is eerily similar to what happened to Nomar in Boston this year. Former fan favorite. But, the team was crapping out after high expectations, he was not having a good year based on previous performance, he was injured. His fielding gaffes were getting amplified, and they had someone on the bench with "better hands." He was clearly unhappy about the Sox gunning for A-Rod in the off-season. The team let out how much the contract was that he turned down, and the fans and talk radio basically ran the dude out of town. The Sox had no choice but to get him out of there because team chemistry was tanking. In the end, though, getting rid of him may have contributed to the Sox' run into the playoffs (only to get annhililated by the good guys from the Bronx).
  10. Buffalo 17 Fish 6 McGahee coming out party. 2 TDs, 129 yards. We actually use the running game in the fourth quarter to eat up clock and put the 'phins away.
  11. Mysterious and ingenious ways, Steve. Ways you wouldn't even consider. Take self-flushing urinals, for instance. That radar thing that knows to flush the thing when you walk away, well it also tracks your DNA. That's how they know where we are at all times. Self-flushing urinals. That's how the man keeps us down.
  12. John Sedbury. He's a total stud. I even burned a pick on him during my Fanasy league draft. "And with my last pick, I'll take John Sedbury, quarterback of the Buffalo Bills." The rest of the dudes were like, "Who? What the hells are you talking about."
  13. 27? I'm freaking 37 and still playing video games. I only play madden and GTA, though. I even contemplated getting a custom Bills jersey with the name of my Madden Franchise-mode QB. Would that be gay? I don't me gay in a homosexual way, but gay in a "That's pretty gay, man" way.
  14. Totally. I'm sick of the whole Pedro mystique crap. The guy lost 4 starts in a row at the end of the season, and he's shown me nothing that says he's still got gas in his tank. This is the first season in several years where he didn't have significant time off due to injury, or an all-star break vacation to sit under his damn mango tree. Why the hell should the Yankees drop a ton of money on a guy who has nothing left at the end of the season. Gee-zus. Can't we get a decent arm that isn't injury-prone, or with 100,000 miles on it?
  15. Agreed. Cornrows is a total punk, but he can pitch. I'd put money down that he pitches high and tight to Jeter and A-rod right out of the gate. Not only to establish the plate, but to fire up the bench. The good guys won two at home, that's way, way cool. But things will be different in beantown. The people up here would rather see someone get killed at this point. The local FOX station just showed a tape of Sox fans at a local watering hole in town. Lots of long faces. I hate them and I'm happy as a hobo with a ham sandwich, but it ain't over. They're going to want blood.
  16. Not unless he can play LT,LG,C,RG, or RT.
  17. Yeah, one of those dude has to come up huge. I'm still skeptical about whether El Duque will make his start, but things are looking pretty good for the squad from the Bronx. Schilling is done, so you'd have to pitch Lowe on Sunday. Pedro would have to pitch game six back in The Stadium. I don't know. It's going to be a long, booze-driven, ulcer-given, weekend.
  18. That was a solid, solid win, kids. No smoke and mirrors. That was just gettin' it done.
  19. Yup. You get to this point in the game and you're afraid to breathe so you don't jinx it. I've had to take a leak for over an hour-and-a-half. My eyes are floating, and evrything looks yellow.
  20. Pretty solid out by Foulke. I thought he was in over his head there. Questionable strike two call saved his a$$. It's in Mo's hands, now.
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