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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. We ask for Bel(tran)...it now tolls for Carlos. Wouldn't have made a difference in this series, though.
  2. Read the post again. I said the 90's. In the mid-90's Bob Lobel even did a sports final special titled "Will we ever win a championship again?" The 90's.
  3. They're on a run of good times right now. But the 90's were a load of misery for Boston as far as their 4 sports franchises went. The Bruins and Celtics were both the worst teams in their respective leagues for a while. The Sox were getting beaten down by the Yankees consistantly. The Pats flat-out sucked for the first half of that decade, then got good enough to lose in the Superbowl, followed by a couple more years of mediocrity. Right now they're drinking champagne and there are high-fives all around. But it always ends. And when it does, people will remember they might have had a few trophies, but they had no class.
  4. I may be remembering this wrong, but over the summer I thought Gammons said on WEEI that the Sox could not continue to run profitably at the current financial pace. They made a concentrated run at the trophy this year, but things would have to change, based on how much money they had to pay for the team.
  5. An exaggeration, but I see where you're going with it. Right now The Boss is pissed. Some heads will roll in the next couple days. Some bodies will wash up in the river. Money will be spent in the next two months. But, as a Sox fan, aren't you worried that Lucchino/Henry et al will be satisfied with this LCS win? Say you go to win the Series. These owners have a history of blowing teams up and reducing payroll. What I'm getting at is whether-or-not you're worried that your 2004 Sox are the '97 Marlins all over again?
  6. Herredia, too. Man. You look at that list and you wonder how we got as far as we did. The silver lining is you know George already has the NYC and the Tampa families in the Room this morning. It's going to be a fun winter.
  7. Your an a-hole, man. USMCBillsFan tries to start a classy post and this is the crap that he gets. Learn how to win with class.
  8. Seconded by this Yankee fan as well. It was bound to happen eventually. We'll get the curse back on track next year. Good luck in the Series.
  9. My "choice" was to vote for which of the two candidates represents how I feel on a majority of the issues. You want to rip me for voting that way, that's cool. Your vote counts just as much as mine does.
  10. His "plans" are all listed as pdf files in the margin of his campaign website. Half of the people polled seem to be pretty fired up and behind him. The othe half are fired up for your guy. I know everyone I know in the scientific community (both industry and academics), and the music community are pretty excited about bouncing your guy out.
  11. Kerry's "job" as a senator is to represent his state to the best of his abilities, and vote according to what the majority of the people that he represents want. He's done it well enough to continue to get re-elected, and keep his "job". Bush didn't, and won't keep his.
  12. He's not preaching "malaise." He's just putting it out there that Bush has done a lousy job. If his campaign was uninspiring he wouldn't be running neck-and-neck with a wartime incumbent president. This election is coming down to probably a handfull of battle-ground states. Far from uninspiring.
  13. They don't all watch the news or read the mainstream papers. You'd be surprised how informed the punk/hardcore community is this time. They don't usually get polled by the Zogby-like pollsters, but they are pissed and they will vote this time.
  14. I'm at work, so I'll have to be brief. OVERALL, I do believe he has represented the people of Mass, his constituents, well. I do not agree with every vote he has made, but it would be assinine to judge him on every vote. For the most part, he has voted the majority of the time the way I would have. I think that's all we can ask of a representative of the people, that overall they will vote the way we would like. He has done, or said some things, or even voted on issues in ways I disagree with. But, I really do feel he would represent me and my beliefs far better than Bush has.
  15. I'll be at a conference in DC on election day, so my absentee ballot is already in the mail with a vote for Kerry/Edwards. I chose the "He'll be a good president" vote up top in your poll, but really my vote is not only a vote for Kerry/Edwards, but also a big F-U to Bush/Cheney. Either way, though, it doesn't matter because I'm not in a battle-ground state, so the righties on this board can breathe a sigh of relief. Will Kerry be a fantastic president right out of the gate? Who knows? I do know that he has been a very good Senator in Massachusetts for the whole time I've lived in this state. I'm willing to see how he does. We've seen W. I think he's done a crappy job. I don't have specifics like everyone else has on the PPP board. I could go and cut and paste from Pro-Kerry and anti-Bush websites to satisfy some of you, but really, I'm not voting to make you people happy, I'm voting my conscience and for who I feel will do a better job.
  16. Totally. Damn straight you go to the Duke. This could come down to who blinks first. Francona's pen has issues, which is why he's got to go to Lowe on 2 days rest. I think he goes Lowe, then Wake, but when Tito panics will be key. Torre already has shown that he'll yank a starter early. If it's really tight, I say go with Duke. Herredia and Loiza shouldn't even bother putting on uniforms tonight.
  17. Say Brownie starts to implode...do you go to Vasquez (shakey) and save El Duque for possible extra innings, or do you send out El Duque and hope Vasquez and Loiza never see the mound.
  18. I worked two retail jobs in my lifetime. I worked at a record store in a mall in Poughkeepsie while I was in culinary school. I loved that job. Made zero money, had to wear a black vest with a skinny tie...classic. The only morons were the customers...yeah we were the typical music store snobs that thought everything you were buying was crap . We would try to get people into the Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks, Feederz...but the suburban lame-o's just wanted "Classic" rock or the new Fresh Prince tape. What can you do. The second retail job was for a liquor store/wine importer here in beantown. I was going back to school for what I'm doing now, so I was a part-timer. Filthy rich people buying cases of expensive wine. We were all students (music, art, etc.) so we hated everyone . We'd have to slug the cases out to the rich peoples BMWs, etc. They never had anything in their trunks. Weird. We spent more time finding places to hide and slack off than doing actual work. Most of us didn't care, because we had other stuff going on. Some of the lifers down in the warehouse had it pretty bad, though. Retail's not so bad if you don't take it seriously.
  19. I feel your pain. I work in BioTech/Pharma in infectious disease. You would think these would be some of the smartest people, you know, highly educated. You can't teach common sense, though.
  20. No one's gonna care if they lose, though TH. Interesting game tonight. I think Torre bagged it in the 7th and left it up to the bats. Tito panic'ed a little and brought in the defensive replacements and Arroyo/Foulke. Should be a good one tomorrow.
  21. Batteries and baseballs from the upper deck, and racism directed at Canadians (?) aside, we all knew, deep down, that this was going seven games.
  22. It's become that movie "Rollerball". The game ends with Johnathan E stuffing a baseball into Monument Park over Manny's burning corpse. Baseball Fever. Catch It.
  23. D-cells come out in the 11th inning. It's 9-volts in the eighth, double-As in the ninth, Cs and other foreign objects in the 10th. We save the Ds for really extreme situations. It's in our handbook.
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