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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. No point in praying to the Football gods. They only listen to the Patriots.
  2. I'm gonna beat feet to the liquor store for more booze
  3. sigh...This is what we have been reduced to. Discussing (seriously) whether to bench Bledsoe for Matthews at the half (of our fourth freaking game of the season), and National Lampoon Vacation quotes [heavy sigh, head held in hands]. The only thing that keeps me going today is the abuse I will get from my Pats fan co-workers won't come till tuesday because of the damn holiday. (another heavy sigh)
  4. I agree with you Tom. I could have made a more articulate point, but the dude was inferring that I was trotting out some party line, by trotting out a party line.
  5. Right, I'm a sheep. Who should we blame then? Bill Clinton? Syria? Hillary Clinton? Michael Moore? Who's the sheep, now?
  6. Although I doubt it, I'm sure this administration will up the color-coded thing a week beforehand to freak out the masses. There's a better chance that all of a sudden they "capture" Bin laden, probably on the thursday before.
  7. I never thought I would despise any president more than I despised Reagan. Adios Dick and George.
  8. There's an awesome chapter on The Butholes in "Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991" by Michael Azerrad. Really entertaining read. If you're into the early indie rock/hardcore scene stuff, this book is a pretty good read. So is Legs McNeil's book "Please Kill me." Great stuff in that one, too, about the NYC scene.
  9. Pound for pound, the greatest American Rock band of all time would have to be the Ramones. Overlooked by many, but mainstream none-the-less. Go to any hockey game and you'll hear Blitzkreig Bop at least a dozen times. gabba gabba hey
  10. Repo Man. Hands down, the greatest movie of all time, independent or otherwise.
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