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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. Sorry, I've never tried. I won't be at this computer long enough to enter the chat. I'll give it a shot anyways, though.
  2. If you don't want to pay to hear the game on NFL.com, you can pretty much follow the live play-by-play on CBSsportsline.com. http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/live/NFL_200...4_BUF@BAL.shtml Try that link. The page updates automatically. It's not like watching it live, but it's the best you can do without actually paying for anything. I use it when it's not televised and I don't have any cash to go out boozin'.
  3. The post-ALCS love-fest between this Yankees fan and the Sox fans is over. I'm going back to being a total richard. May they never win anything again. Good luck with the rioting in the streets, though. If you think of it, while your flipping cars down in the Fenway, could you toss a brick through the front window of Daddy's Junky music...I need a new guitar.
  4. That's an honorable list to be on. "Bring it on." No wait...wrong party.
  5. If either of our backs gets past the line and the linebackers, the player furthest away from any running play will be Deion. Has he ever tackled a running back?
  6. Haven't been called "young" in a while Thanks Obie-wan.
  7. I think it is somewhat appropriate that we have a PPP board on what primarily began as a messageboard for fans of a particular sports franchise. Politics has become more like a game now than ever before in our history. Look no further than major news organizations electoral "scoreboards". It has become less about what might be good for the whole country and ALL it's citizens, than a game about which party won. We're tracking party affiliations for governors now. As someone who lives in Mass, why should I care about which party the governor of Idaho belongs to unless I plan on living there? We have a Republican governor here in Mass, and yet some consider us a liberal state, or even part of the country at all (Lott?). There are fundamental differences in ideologies between the two major parties with regards to abortion, gun control, labor, seperation of church and state, social programs...it's not a game. I do blame the hippies for crappy music, though. The Grateful Dead is not rock, people, it is jazz, and bad jazz at that.
  8. It's going to get pretty surreal around here if Travis busts out tomorrow for 125 yards, 2 TDs. Unlikely, but if it does happen, to save bandwidth and time, we should just go back to all of these "McGahee-is-the-man-so-bench-Henry" posts and substitute "Henry" for all the "McGahee's".
  9. Bills 17 Ravs 16 Both Ds score TDs (Ravs via fumble recovery, Bills via INT). Bills D holds Ravens offense to three field goals (one will be a loooong one). Lindell makes one FG, but misses the easier of the two he attempts. Bills win it with 4th quarter TD...Bledsoe to Evans with 3:15 left on the clock...I'll say a 35 yard pass...primetime gets toasted.
  10. Yesss! Good call. Donna A is smokin' hot. She has to be carefull, though. She's borderline 'belinda carlisle', if you know what I mean. The road is a tough place, and those chicks are pretty solid, but it's gonna catch up to her at some point.
  11. Rhona Mitra She was on the last season of The Practice...the hot one with the british accent. Of course, anyone would look hot standing next to Camryn Mannheim, but Rhona is pretty hot. She had a brief topless scene in "Hollow Man".
  12. Yeah, he pretty much blew this question off in the debates. Don't think for a second they aren't going to jump at the chance to pack the court with Scalia's and Thomas's. He'll have control of all three freaking branches of government. I can't believe people aren't wigging out about this. I'm going to get flamed for this, but this issue is more important to me than the war. Flame away....
  13. Bush: Would probably get to pick two supreme court justices, and despite his crack about litmus tests, he's got a pocketfull of them. Kerry: Tries to please too many people, will attempt to do too much, but won't have control of either the house or the senate to get any of it done.
  14. I agree that assuming people in rural areas have computers and directing them to the Kerry website seems dumb, and were this discussion taking place over a stump in northern Maine, you would be dead on. But I'm assuming RichIO has a computer, so when he keeps asking for "The Plan" and people keep directing him to the freaking pdf files on the website, well, I think it's appropriate.
  15. They seem to blame a lot on lawyers, however, they were pretty quick to truck them down to Florida by the hundreds in the 2000 election. Lawyers are pretty convenient to have around. I'm marrying one.
  16. I agree that the malpractice system is flawed, however it has become popular to blame those problems solely on the trial lawyers themselves. Both Cheney and Bush throw "trial lawyer" around as much as they do "war on terror" and "liberal from Massachusetts." Trial lawyers would not even be an issue in this campaign had Kerry picked someone other than Edwards. They are using a hot-button lable to shift the debate away from their lack of a viable solution.
  17. Don't we have a double standard already with regards to divorce and the catholic church? Many catholic couples get divorced, don't have the marriage annulled, but then re-marry outside of the catholic church. No one seems to have a problem with that. If a church doesn't want to recognise a particular union, that should be up to them. The church is not the institution that rules on what the benefits of a marriage/civil union are, the government is. I don't see how recognizing a "marriage" of a couple in a unitarian church in Bedford Mass violates the first ammendment rights of a catholic church in another town or state. No one would be forcing them to perform same sex unions.
  18. I just don't get why everyone is so quick to blame trial lawyer's for our healthcare woes. There are cases of abuse, but there has to be some level of accountability for doctors who blow a diagnosis, or botch a procedure.
  19. I guess I just don't see the big deal. Just because you have a man and a women in a "marriage" doesn't validate that marriage as being a sound one. There are hundreds, if not thousands of gay/lesbian couples in this area that have been in successful relationships for decades. They just want what everyone in a solid, long-term relationship wants...to be recognized for what it is, and benefit from that union the way heterosexual couples do. Sounds like equal rights to me.
  20. You support equal rights for ALL citizens, as long as they're not gay. Classic.
  21. Gee-zus, man, there isn't anything here to hang your red hat on. I may be a far-far-far left liberal scumbag, but at least I know why I'm a far left scumbag. Strong leader...protects me and my family...war on terror...It's like you have a copy of Bush's debate notes. Sure, I despise Bush, but I'm a democrat because I agree with them (historically) on a majority (but not all) of their core issues, not just because I can't stand the guy. The democrat platform isn't "Let's look at what Bush does and go the other way." There are fundamental differences between these two parties' core beliefs. Wow.
  22. The cake has the faces of the whole Sox squad in frosting on it. Now, I like cake, but I can't do it. They're all pretty good people, but not many are hard-core fans...mostly bandwagon people. It's cool though. I'm letting them have their fun. That's sports and I'm a Yankees/Bills fan in a Sox/Pats town.
  23. Yeah. I told them I'll deal with whatever they can throw at me until 5:00, but that's it. When the Bills were on their losing streak, every monday seemed like a 16 hour day.
  24. You have no idea, man. I work in this town. The outside of my cube is plastered with A-fraud pictures, I owe two people lunch, and at 1:00 they've got a cake with the Sox on it. Not gonna be a good day.
  25. Both Cashman and Torre will be back. In the recent past their jobs were safe, if only not to let them go to the Sox.
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