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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. Agreed. That was a weak out by Lofton. He got his homerun last night. You're not going to catch lightening in a bottle twice.
  2. Realistically, Foulke is only in to keep it close in case of a miracle in the top of the ninth. With the travel day, it won't affect their bullpen. But they are definately on the ropes.
  3. Allright, I'll say it. Hip, Hip, Jorge!
  4. You will drink more beer in the last three innings of every game this series than you will during any other sporting event. This is in-tense, man...in-tense. That was a huge out Flash. Huge.
  5. bcbillsfan... Is that bc for Boston College, or British Columbia?
  6. Leiber comes up huge. Standing "O" at the Coli household.
  7. Is this the thread about favorite cereals, or is it the one about the coach from cortland that can't spell?
  8. How much money is FOX paying Kenny Albert? They cut to him 7 or 8 times a game for some inane, useless info. He must thank god every day he's Marv's brother.
  9. Gotta jump on him early while he's floundering.
  10. So the first commercial break (before the top of the first), Fox plays a Billy Squire song...weird, right. Why Billy Squire? Sure enough there's a billysquire.com. Didn't know he was from Boston. From the biography... 1985: spends two months in Asia... first helicopter ascent of Mount Everest. You learn something new every day. I'm loaded.
  11. To tell you the truth, as a Yankees fan, Schilling didn't scare me. Mussina should have beaten him in Yankee stadium, and he did. Tonight's game, however, does concern me. Pedro is a cornered animal...he's lost his "ace" position to Schill, his ability to beat the Yankees has been called into question, and if the Sox lose this game they're season is probably done. Add the fact that Leiber is our number 2 starter and we had to use the bullpen last night...well, it's gonna be an interesting game. Many beers will be drunk tonight.
  12. A going away haiku: Ham fisted dancer not worth a seventh rounder good bye Bobby Shaw
  13. Awesome. Thanks Guffalo. My memories from my short time at Geneseo are spotty at best.
  14. Reminds me of a story, don't remember the specifics anymore. It happened in the mid-80's right about the time I was getting thrown out of SUNY Geneseo. A guy jumps out a 4th story window trying to kill himself, but hits the roof of a parked car. He crawls off, heads back into the building, jumps out the same window, and hits the same car. By then, the cops have come and they take him away in an ambulance. That is being a Bills fan. Same window, same car, week after week.
  15. Eating cheese if you're lactose intolerant. You love the taste and the smell, but in the end you just get cramps and the trots.
  16. Thanks man. Tried the search myself, you beat me to it.
  17. Didn't he play one season in NE under Pete Carroll?
  18. That is so lame, man. It's one thing to trash-talk between Yankees fans and Sox fans, but what's up with a blatently racist comment like that? WTF?
  19. Is there an Ichiro-like streak for punters? Like, more punts in a single season than any other punter in history? Maybe we could root for Morman to set a new record for number of punts, or total yardage, or something. That would be cool.
  20. Agreed. They lose this one, that puts a butt-load of pressure on Pedro.
  21. Too Funny... http://www.awkworld.com/ Question: Are you a big drinker? asked by MIKE on Saturday, October 9, 2004 Answer: Dear Mike, You're in the right place at the right time! answered by Andrew W.K. on Monday, October 11 , 2004 6:14 PM Most of his answers just ramble on and on, in a stream of consciousness way, kind of answering the question, and kind of not...like a press conference
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