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Everything posted by BITE ME

  1. Professional basketball is a dying sport in the United States. That is why they are so invested in China. While COVID was responsibly for some of it, the NBA finals ratings were awful and that was with LA and Miami. It will be hockey by 2030. Football will dominate and soccer will rise and become the second most popular sport in America by 2030.
  2. I don't care. If you want to win a Super Bowl you have to beat good teams. Ideally we get Cleveland to start it off.
  3. Mahomes would not be Mahomes if he came to Buffalo and had the Bills receivers and offensive line his first few years. He was put into an offense with a ton of weapons and had a line that could actually block. Mahomes is better than Allen, but the difference is not as large as people believe. Mahomes is an A+ talent. Allen is an A- talent. Guaranteed Hall of Famer vs borderline Hall of Famer.
  4. Their run defense is the problem. It is hard to be a top tier team if they can't stop the run. I don't see them fixing it this year, but maybe I am wrong. If they fix that run defense than anything is possible.
  5. While I am not in agreement, my boss, who is an actual Futurist, just predicted the Bills will win the 2021 Super Bowl. In the preseason of 2015 we asked him to start predicting the Super Bowl winner. He said he would only do it after he had enough data and had observed enough games. So Every year around Thanksgiving he gives us his selection. He gave us Denver, New England, Philadelphia, New England, and Kansas City. He was only 2 of 5 on the opponents but was a perfect 5-0 on the winner. This year he has predicted the Buffalo Bills will win the AFC East at 11-5 (additional losses to the Niners and Steelers) and will then run the table in the playoffs culminating with a victory over the New Orleans Saints in the Super Bowl. FYI I am a researcher, not an actual Futurist. I just use Futurist because it is a better board name than Researcher. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Go Bills.
  6. He threw a jump ball. Nice throw but when a receiver makes a catch in triple coverage against great pass defenders, the receiver made the play.
  7. The Bills coaching, especially in the 3rd quarter is historically bad. With this coaching staff a first round playoff win will always be the ceiling.
  8. I won't be right or wrong until week 17 is over. Plenty of time to collapse. That run defense is not getting any better.
  9. This is the most accurate thread in the history of threads. This 3rd quarter nonsense is beyond comical.
  10. I was working last weekend. I have never been shy about admitting I am wrong. I am not wrong about the Bills. This team is garbage. Get ready for the collapse. It will all be because of this run defense.
  11. I agree. These 3rd quarters are a joke. Do they make any adjustments at the half. How many games have the Bills been dominated in the 3rd quarter this year? It is sad.
  12. Me too. They figured it out though in the second half. Why would anyone abandon the run against the Bills defense. It is a guaranteed 5 yards a run. Usually more.
  13. Seattle is garbage. Their defense is a joke and all their wins are against garbage teams.
  14. They sure did. How do you think they blew the 14 point lead.
  15. The Bills defense, it's head coach, and defensive coordinator are a joke. You will not find a more overrated unit in the NFL.
  16. Lost in another choke job by the Bills defense is the fact they were once again gashed for 217 yards. You will NEVER win anything with this garbage run defense. These statistics are beyond a joke. Drake 16 carries for 100 yards. 6.2 yards per carry. Edmonds 8 carries for 56 yards. 7.0 yards per carry. Murray 11 caries for 61 yards. 5.5 yards per carry.
  17. Because 8-8 would win the Division if it includes a win over Miami in week 17. The Bills are going to collapse. They are not good and they are about to get really exposed by the #1 and #2 offenses in the NFL over the next two weeks. Their run defense is beyond awful.
  18. I agree. I changed my opinion after this weekend. I honestly think the Bills are now 50-50 to win the division. I can the Dolphins improving and the Bills collapsing. The Bills run defense is that bad.
  19. The Bills have not done anything, so you must be looking at fake account.
  20. I think the Bills will be reeling when they play the two road games at Denver and New England. I don't see them winning either. I won't be shocked if they lose their next 5 and head into Denver a total disaster. I am only confident in the Chargers game. Seattle, at Arizona, at Niners, and Steelers look like guaranteed loses to me. They will be an underdog in all 4 games. So I expect 1-4 at best in their next 5.
  21. I can see the Steelers, Colts, and Titans beating the Chiefs if things go their way. I see no scenario where a team that can't pass the ball beat the Chiefs.
  22. John Brown injury is the problem. When your number 2 receiver has 1 catch in the last 6 games you are going to struggle.
  23. Maybe, but definitely not the two you think. I can't see them beating Seattle or Seattle, and definitely not both.
  24. I wouldn't underestimate them, but they are a flawed team in a brutal conference. The way they are built they have no chance of ever beating the Chiefs, and they will have a real tough time beating the Steelers or even the Colts. Their passing attack is awful and they just lost a major part of their O line. They are not winning anything this year.
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