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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. My (not so) surprise cuts would be: trent williams jake fromm pat dimarco Big surprise cut would be: harrison phillips
  2. With maddie yeah. From his tone it’s sounded like his wounds from the thrashing have healed
  3. Possibly, but grand scheme and all that it’s really not a big deal. The experience was probably a factor with two rookies in the tight end corps. And neither of them evokes much confidence yet.
  4. Don’t the Bears have way too many tight ends on their roster still? Maybe they cut a few already. If not, they are definitely going to have to shake a few loose by cutdown day.
  5. Love the record, really hope they can manage a little bit more than 21 pts a game on average.
  6. Bills already have fans outside of Erie County and have had them for years. I personally haven’t heard of anyone being upset about the team’s Canadian and Rochester-area fans but if they’re out there they’re wrong. As far as beyond those areas, I’m not sure how many more you’re going to convert regionally with Browns’ and Steelers’ country so close.
  7. OP doesn’t think it’s much of a cost at all apparently (“a 7th CB that won’t play”) 2 kickers is equally pointless. 2 punters is even worse. And whether or not McDermott seriously considered it is an open question. Coaches lie all the time. So I’d rather just look at his actions.
  8. You were saying? God I can’t believe the Bills didn’t go with this genius idea
  9. Wonder if there’s a story behind the team exodus? The Brown suspension seems pretty cut and dried.
  10. ?? That’s weird and mysterious. i was wondering why they had a guest co-host with Tasker today on that 12-3 radio show. It can’t be about the Portnoy thing - unless ownership really, really hates Barstool. Still harsh.
  11. Oh okay I’m sure that’s all you meant. Disregarding all the tradesmen across this country that don’t have college degrees and also do “just fine” you’re racism is still showing and you’re FOS.
  12. did the kid own property down there? Did his parents? So no, not his job. He’s not batman. The property owners can protect their own. If not, it is the cops’ job to protect that property. If the cops can’t do it, then the national guard comes in and does it. Period. I don’t know what system of vigilantism you think exists in this country but you’re ridiculous. found LB3’s alt account
  13. Supporter of what? Not getting shot by a cowardly little brainwashed white kid? Yes I am a supporter of that. “Low information” allegations coming from a card carrying smooth brained chud who thinks all news is fake. Irony man.
  14. Ok then link them magaman. I’ve seen a number of videos but maybe the ones I saw weren’t hannity approved
  15. Self defense Kirby obviously. A bottle landed in his general direction so he put one in someone’s head
  16. You know (2) how? Oh, did you read his facebook manifesto? Belong to some of the same groups maybe? And he wasn’t wearing a mask while he was brandishing his gun down the street waving at people chief. I know, I know, “fake news” right?
  17. you also said protesters (or sorry, “rioters”) playing stupid games get stupid prizes. Selective memory is reserved for you lot. Since you seem so very hesitant to admit what lil’ Kyle did was premeditated murder, I wonder why he had latex gloves on. Maybe you can tell us since you seem of a like mind. Covid concerns? Nah probably not because 1) no mask and 2) covid’s a hoax anyways right guy? Hmmm...I wonder why he drove 30 mins from his house with an AR and latex gloves...
  18. One can never tell these days. Maybe he’ll get a special dispensation to leave whatever supermax he’s rotting in to endorse kimberly guilfoyle or some ****. oh that’s all you have to say? Guy kills two people and maims a third and well, “that’s his choice” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But the people he killed were “playing stupid games.” People beside you and you clan are familiar with your racist, dogwhistle phases like PSGWSP by the way. Not fooling anyone here.
  19. Guess that goes for lil’ Kyle here too huh? Since he’ll get life in the pen for playing mercenaries with daddy’s AR.
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