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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. They may need to make a change. I don't necessarily mean he won't run the plays called, I just mean he is prone to taking shots rather than the underneath stuff the play is often designed to complete.
  2. I completely agree. Someone there has to be able to reign that in. When he is on time and in rhythm they are unstoppable.
  3. At least tag me you coward. Josh's decision making has been an issue down the stretch.
  4. The Bills were in the playoffs, and there were open routes for Josh today. My job is done.
  5. Go watch the film and come back and legitimately explain some of Allen's decisions.
  6. The Bengals aren't into the touchy-feely family crap. They are into winning football games by kicking your ass.
  7. I support this. Lombardi incoming.
  8. This is nonsense. Beasley and Cook were both running routes to the sticks at the top of the screen. Beasley was open.
  9. And launching it into the endzone to a covered receiver rather than quickly hitting something for 6 yards to move the chains.
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