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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. UUUUUUUUUggggly game. Like watching that last two drunk hoes spilling out of their spandex getting into a cat fight at the bar over some loser that already left with his obnoxious friends. Or any other hot mess my imagination can conjure.
  2. Great coaching in Tennessee, was known for having a really good understanding of the game coming out, and had 28 picks his rookie year... yes, he drilled it right between the numbers, just the wrong jerseys. Folks need to relax and remember that even the best at the position took time to get there.
  3. Yeah worried after the initial kickoff, but prefer a game with little or no flags... let'em play.
  4. 3-man rush and they get to Josh... no excuse our line sucks
  5. What is with Detroit poking the eyes of our receivers... first McKenzie now Foster. Freak accidents?
  6. expected as much - both teams are the walking wounded with o-lines that suck... and defenses ahead of the O's
  7. Hausch must be injured - used to be an automatic if anywhere near the 50
  8. Croom is basically useless as a blocker... he let the blitzer from the outside come in clean and just threw himself inside to help no one. I would think he had that outside guy....
  9. The refs letting us know how they are going to call this one.
  10. Yeah - not a fan...better than the Seattle uni's that burn your eyes, but not by much
  11. See that Dawkins got a fine 20,054.00 for the illegal chop-block, intentional or not I am ok with that - dangerous play. Skrine got the same level of fine as Dawkins for a late hit on Josh Allen, I am surprised Skrine did not get more because he has been fined several times this year - perhaps that is the maximum. If it were the NHL he would have been suspended after so many fines, but is what it is. The Jets took out our kicker, and made a point to try to injure Allen, if that does not fire up the Bills next time we face those clowns then nothing will.
  12. I do think the Bills need to start thinking about shoring up the defense with some key vets aging, and folks talk about not drafting for need. If they stay put in the 1st, I am ok with them grabbing a defensive player if he is clearly the BPA, but then I would really expect to see some solid investment in the offensive line players, and receivers (who can catch a Josh Allen fast ball). I would like the Bills to pick up some of the decent prospects this draft, but I think they could also do pretty well filling out their O-line needs with during Free Agency and having some proven vets may be a better option for this team at this time. I don't generally get too worked up, unless the Bills go all in trading away a bunch of their picks for a "sure thing" - because there never is a sure thing.
  13. If OBD wants to go offense or defense and if they feel that the BPA just is not worth a top 10 pick, I am all for them trading down a bit in the first and picking up some extra picks. I think the upcoming draft is pretty deep with both WR and o-line talent that are pretty close potential-wise - there are more than a few top-end TE's too. Look what Ebron is doing in Indy. Not sure how as I don't watch enough of their games, but Detroit really pooped the bed in how they used this kid. I was high on Ebron when he was drafted going to a team with Stafford at QB - thought it was an ideal situation and that he was going to be a stud. I ended up wondering why he didn't pan out, I have been wrong plenty of times before and some kids that shine in college fail in the pros - it happens. Although he caught plenty of passes, he only managed 11 TD's in 4 years, not even close to what I thought he was capable of producing. Now with Indy with Frank Reich as their coach (is it too early to start talking about Marchibroda - coaching tree ) Ebron already has 12 TD's. Sometimes it really is how a player is used, if he has the talent and is willing to work on getting better. I can guarantee that Luck is glad to have him. Everyone is high on Fant in this draft, but he has had his share of injuries already, and the Iowa coaches tended to rely more on T.J. Hockenson down the stretch and their comments leaned towards the fact they felt he had a more complete game - especially being able to block as well as being a receiving threat. Some feel if he declared he may be the better option. There were some speculation that Fant also gets the drops, but for the life of me I cannot find a site that provides college receiver target and drops. Although a bit subjective, one would think there would be a concerted effort to provide this metric. Having an idea of how soft a prospects hands are, in my mind, should be right up there with 40 times. I did find a site that provided NFL stats on team drops per pass attempts. The Bills are just barely behind Arizona for having the worst number of drops per attempt - might want to correct that with receivers that have reliable hands.
  14. I know... I felt Ralph was losing it (mental capacity) and his bad operation decisions just piled up. Even then he would surprise folks and flash that razor business intellect now and then - like the revenue-sharing deal where some owners tried to squeeze out the smaller market teams. I remember hearing that it was almost ratified by all the teams till Ralph said not-so-fast" and tried to point out the devil in the details to other owners - he and I think the Bengals owner were the only dissenting votes....all 32 owners scrapped the deal a few years later and Ralph got to say I told you so. So much of his franchise performance issues towards the end were self-inflicted though - Linda was good people from all accounts.
  15. I am glad Ralph gave us the Bills, but he could have done more to retain the talent he had, not to mention reigning in his foolish pride a bit. The GM's he pushed out the door: Polian (got the Panthers to the NFC Championship in the 2nd year of its existence, then took over as the Colts President, most of us know what he did there, drafted Peyton Manning, AFC Championships, Superbowl victory) Fired John Butler and the whole talented Bills front office - who then went out to San Diego and turned the Chargers franchise into contenders. Pushed Wade out the door too, who managed the difficult task of cleaning up an aging roster of beloved veterans and was the last coach to take the Bills to a playoff (till finally - last year). Everywhere Wade goes those teams get better, usually a lot better defensively, and win. Currently the DC for the Rams....with their offense, if Wade gets their defense turned around, they will be extremely tough to beat. In the wake of his pride and senility, we were left with a series of incompetent Ralph puppets, GM rookies (sorry Marv, I know you meant well), a marketing guy, and a series of terrible coaches, Williams, Mularkey, Skelator (Jauron), Chan, Doug (good luck with that) Marrone....ugh.
  16. Brady takes some of the least amount of hits in the pocket, and a lot of that is because the NE o-line usually does a really good job of assigning each man to a gap. Even when a o-lineman is left uncovered, more often than not, he backpedals to stay in position relative to the rest of the line while staying in his gap rather than turning to double up on someone else. IMO a good strategy for countering twists and stunts as well as ensuring someone is manning a gap to pickup delayed blitzes. Our boys need some more coaching or better coaching. I can't say I know enough about Castillo to say he is the problem, but if there is a proven o-line coach who is a good teacher and McBeane thinks he would be an upgrade, and you plan to upgrade your o-line players, this off season would be the time to get that guy.
  17. what i originally quoted was that Daboll had spent time as a QB Coach which the Bills need right now - meaning the Bills need quarterback coaching - really had nothing to do with personnel changes, but I can understand the confusion. There is no need to bash Daboll to prop up Culley though. I knew very little about Culley, but if he is a solid QB coach that is great news. When I say that, I don't feel like I need to downplay Daboll's role either. I am picturing Josh sitting between them in the film room going over what he is doing well and what he needs to learn from and having two solid QB coaches is better than having just one.
  18. Agree...I actually liked Marty, and would have preferred him over some of the interim scrubs we had.
  19. Thanks for putting in the effort on this...I thought Teller had a tough time with the Jet stunts, and at times he did - as did much of the o-line. I like him, he just needs some seasoning. That stunt that a lot of teams use, including the Bills, of lining up an end in a wide 9 and then having him come across and split the LT and LG and then loop a LDT around, or when they take the LT high with the DT and crash across the face of the LG with that LDE once again from a wide 9 only to have an interior RDT twist around and into the gap... creates a lot of problems. Only thing you can teach is that guys have to be "positionally" sound, focusing on gap blocking and ease off the double-teams.
  20. With how weak his kicks were I was wondering too about Hausch being injured early in that game, or whether he was using Patriot footballs that had been "Gronked", then that Jet gave him the cheap shot (sans flag or fine of course) and now I know he is hurt.
  21. OK..... Culley is awesome. You are trying too hard to argue - do you have a point? Are you a member of the Culley family and have some kind of inferiority complex about him working for Daboll on his staff? Are you saying Daboll is not a good QB coach because Culley is a good one (that is just plain crazy), or that Daboll was not a good QB coach in his past... because a HOF QB who had him as a coach would appear to disagree with you. Really I have no idea where you are going with this and just don't care. If Culley is all that, it is good for the Bills - I don't feel compelled to compare him to the guy he works for.
  22. Culley has never been a QB coach till he was offered the position with the Bills, though he did have plenty of experience as a WR coach. That was the biggest knock on him being given that position with the Bills. Don't know much about him beyond that and don't really care as long as he does not hurt Josh's development. Was a bit of a stretch taking my statement that QB coaching is what the Bills need at this point and being glad that Daboll has that experience to Culley being fired. Why would Daboll the current OC want to step down to be a position coach? Culley's job is likely safe I guess - really was not even in my scope of thoughts. Daboll however has been a QB coach in the league and a WR coach and my endorsement of him in role was simply following up on Brett Favre saying he was a great QB coach that he had while with the Jets and would make a good HC candidate for GB.
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