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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. why do i feel like this game is gonna come down to a bad call by the refs
  2. he has made some throws in this game that tyrod never would make.
  3. and with all the research and predicting these teams do alot of it comes down to luck and good fortune Thats why u should take a qb every year until you find one. The bills should take one next year and the next year etc etc.Until one of these guys pans out.
  4. ...watch Peter Peter TD eater go 22 of 30 for 378 3td & 0ints
  5. McD stopped by the house this afternoon and had a beer. Told me he starting Allen
  6. Meh every NFL team has players that they traded or lost in free agency who went on to play well for other teams not just Buffalo.
  7. Not a fan of that fight song. And I thought the shout song was a bit cheesy doesn't seem so bad now?
  8. Yeah you could be right might be a good spot for him to be in. I know I'm gonna be more nervous than I normally am watching him play. I hope he does well seems like a good kid. Man he has got to be chomping at the bit to get back out there after what happened last year.
  9. He is starting in a NFL game on the road in week one of the season for a team with alot of question marks and a fan base who is just waiting for him to fail so they can see Allen play. Sounds like alot of pressure to me. The question is how will he handle it. Will be interesting to watch.
  10. I guess I'm in the minority here but I liked the pick from the get go and I think Allen will be the best of the bunch. The Bills finally picked the right guy. I didn't want Mayfield, Jackson, or Rosen. I could have lived with Darnold. From what I've seen and observed I think Allen is gonna be good. Of course I realize I could be flat out wrong but to me he has a real chance to be special.
  11. And maybe our receivers looked so blanketed to me in the first half because when the Bengals had the ball there was a stark contrast. Lots of room for them in our secondary yesterday.
  12. I was sitting up high and when he dropped back I tried to really focus on the routes and he didn't have much to throw too. This combined with the pressure made it tough. I prob wouldn't put him out there until this line can gel and some receiving threats emerge.
  13. I was at the game and to my untrained eye there wasn't a lot of separation with our receivers for sure. Definitely didn't see anyone running free over the middle except Bengals receivers. This combined with a lot of pressure up the middle and I see why he started to hold the ball too long. Not saying he is ready to start season but are receivers looked slow yesterday.
  14. I find it hard to believe the bills offered this guy a 3 year deal.
  15. I'm a musician who has made a living playing and teaching guitar for the past 27 years and you stumped me on this lyric. I had to google it
  16. I wanted Mack at first but the more I think about it I don't think its a good idea. I'm with some other posters on here its exciting to make that big splash trade or signing ( see Owens or Mario) but this regime seems to be building a team thru the draft and signing free agents who fit at a economical price. I don't know maybe Mack would be that perfect fit but I guess I gotta sit back and trust the process. Tough call either way and I just talked in circles in the span of this post.
  17. Let's get a petition started and send it to wgr get rid of schopp and bulldog. We need the yolo and corner blitz show?
  18. I have never created a thread before and I'm not sure if this has already been done or if I'm posting this in the right forum. Just wanted to show appreciation to these posters and prob a couple of others I'm missing. I come to this forum to get all my bills news and these guys are always on top of it!! It must take quite a bit of their time to do this so ty and much appreciation for keeping this bills fan well informed.
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