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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. As long as the AFC East stays ALLEN, Jones, Tua, and Wilson - I'm good.
  2. I get that and agree with your sentiment, but you said he should have kept his mouth shut. I'm curious the rationale as to what his benefit would be from being quiet compared to being vocal about it?
  3. Yep. I remember one quote was something like, “unlike Allen, Fromm is a big boy from a big boy program”. Stroll through the archives can be very revealing.
  4. Similar talk last year and then they laid an egg vs Pitt in the opener!
  5. Give the higher seeded team the ability to go first or defer, but each team gets an opportunity; after each possession if it is still tied, then sudden death.
  6. Overtime in the playoffs is not that difficult. Each team gets a possession, and after that possession, if the score is still tied then it's sudden death.
  7. Damn, if only Josh was a winner, he could have stopped the Chiefs with 13 seconds left!
  8. This should poor salt in McDermott and Frazier's eyes!
  9. Saturday last week, many in here were calling Burrow better; strange.
  10. The defense gave up the tying drive in 13 seconds, the defense gave up the winning drive in overtime, the defense surrendered 42 points. Yes our defense is pretty good, but they and the coaches choked when it mattered last week.
  11. I never said he didn’t. Like I said, they helped each other.
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