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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. Same freaking Titans game plan and we can’t stop it; year after year
  2. Same crap; play action over the middle where AJ Brown killed us. Come on!!!
  3. I think Josh will run a little less moving forward UNLESS an opportunity certainly presents itself. I felt he was trying to prove a point to his new teammates (ie: Von and the rookies) about what he is willing to do win a game; especially being the first game and a big game at that.
  4. Colin probably still came around faster than @GunnerBill did!
  5. He’s there because of Allen and my guess he will still be until his eligibility runs out. That said, I think your list is pretty spot on.
  6. Why is Gentry not on your practice squad? Why is Gentry not on your practice squad?
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