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Everything posted by Batman1876

  1. Watkins 5th year option cost 13.2 mil that's a big cap hit, especially for a disappointing player. Saved 2 mil this year from Darius, even with Star and 22 Million the next three years even with Star. I'm not sure what kind of player Mahomes is and what kind of player he'd be here, time may prove you right but it may not. Organizationally you can't take that risk based on scouting done by guys you intend to fire the next day.
  2. NFL players aren't that fond of training their replacements. Ben and Flacco have been publicly antagonistic. The best example of it is that Farve spent his efforts mocking, insulting, humiliating and actively avoiding helping him.
  3. They created holes to fix the cap and get draft picks. 2 birds one stone.
  4. He looked like a rookie. But that tells you nothing. Growth vs stagnation is the name of the game. If he stays this guy forever he's a bust. If he improves then hes not. Simple as that. I'm encouraged because he has traits that often go hand in hand with being able to improve. But it's all a mystery. I would say that "being concerned "by his performance simply means that you are too easily concerned.
  5. When woods and Goodwin needed to be resigned we had 24 million in cap space and also needed to resign a bunch of other guys. I think that factored in. I also think they were in cap hell, they could have made better moves but the cap made that margin for error razor thin.
  6. Sammy's option was for 13.2 that's an expensive WR it would have made him the 6th highest paid wide out in the league. Your argument is that a developmental team pays an under preforming WR that much? Seems the opposite is true, they realize they will be moving on and get a draft pick which they can use to draft a rookie to develop . Star's salary is in fact the going rate for that role. It's also not big money compared to salary cap space we have in up coming years. His role is also to free up opportunities for your LBs. Seems like a team who is trying to develop some LBs might value such a role. Rarely do stop gap QBs keep the rookie off the field for long. The plan was always to give Allen some time, but not to keep him off the field all season. I don't think they expected AJ to play like Drew Brese or Alex Smith. Peterman, Allen and AJ is a QB room that screams developmental year, no matter which one is starting. Has everything to do with Whaley Tyrod, Cordy, and Darius were all his contracts and those players were not going to be part of a long term solution. Restructuring Wood was done to open up some cap space because whaley sent the team into the off-season with 24 Mil in cap space and tons of players with contracts that were up. Lots of holes to fill little money. Solving the cap conundrum by eating dead cap again is a developmental move.
  7. By cost controlled you mean 13.2 million, hardly cost controlled. Its also 14 times more than Kerley's contract. Peterman wasn't force fed, he had looked the best up until that point, letting your QB learn for a couple of weeks before starting him is still a developmental season move. So having 4 young wide receivers instead of 3 would have made all the difference to you? What big money contracts? Star is the 40th highest paid D-lineman and his 6 million this year is hardly big money. Besides him there is nothing close to big money. I get these points convince you that they did not look at this as a developmental year but the evidence to the contrary is far bigger Drafting a QB at 7 who was likely to need developmental time. Starting the youngest MLB in history. Solving the cap problem by eating dead cap this year in exchange for draft picks. Having 20 first and second year guys getting significant playing time.
  8. Having a vet to "guide" you is a myth. That is the coaching staff's Job. In some cases the vet is more detrimental to the rookie than he is helpful, because vets are often hostile towards the rookie who they are supposed to train to replace them.
  9. You keep saying they make no sense, you are wrong. There is no other way to put it you are wrong. But I'll ask you, what would you have expected to see from a team prepping for a developmental year?
  10. Taylor could have been kept,-17_Million Glenn could have been kept-15 Million Dareus could have been kept-16 millon Darby could have been kept- I'd rather have Harrison Watkins could have been kept-16 Million That's 1'3 of the cap for those 4 guys, they weren't worth it.
  11. The process was laid out when they made moves to get a QB and absorb dead cap this year. You have your own definition of what that should look like this year. The roster moves they made did reflect their goals you just think that reflection should look different. The future of this team does not include the older players, they are here to fill out the roster and provide leadership. This team has a ton of young guys who hopefully should learn something from the old guys, that is the contribution of those more experienced vets.
  12. Cherry picking. And not supporting your case as well as you think. peterman was a dumpster fire, I’m sure they hoped that they could use him to get Allen more ready, as is Allen is now the starter from here out. if he could have shaken off his injury he could have contributed a gamble we already have 3 of our receivers as young guys. 3/5 of the guys at that position group are young.
  13. Star fills a role, he’s doing well with it. Vontae was seeing if a vet has something in the tank, a 1 year rental.
  14. So your argument is if it’s a youth movement then why aren’t all 20 first and second year guys starting? They seem to value having older vets onboard with the young guys.
  15. Youre asking if he said “ itsgoing to be hard to field a competitive team because of roster turn over and dead cap”? Of course not. But they obviously knew fielding a team 54 million in the hole with rookies in key positions was not going to make for a great team this year.
  16. They said it all along with their actions. Dig out the team from Whaley’s cap issues. Convert the old roster into draft picks. Get a rookie QB. absorb all the losses from those changes and trades before 2019. Adddraft picks and free agents in 2019 to improve.
  17. I’ve seen 0 change in the overall process. What change have you seen?
  18. That’s not because you question the process. It’s because you chose to ignore why they started the process.
  19. For the future. The fact that even with cap savings those guys we all we could afford in the 2018 off season should tell you that.
  20. Why are you saying it’s spin? It seems to be their approach all along, no a story told after the fact. It was character and contract those things made him not worth it. If he was playing like an all pro he’d be here but as it was he wasn’t worth it.
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