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Everything posted by Batman1876

  1. I don't know that most fans would have Supported Goodell and it would have let to problems down the line whenever a player made a political statement. I also don't know if a negotiation would have been possible. Kaep obviously wanted to make a statement, what forum and protest would have given him this big of a pulpit?
  2. Weird music, awkward standing around... did I walk into a middle school dance.
  3. They played Panama earlier, I think they should play it on repeat until the press conference finally starts.
  4. If the new motto does not involve the word "process" then I quit.
  5. That reporter will lose his next job at the local Taco Bell when he asks his boss "Is your wife always this ugly?"
  6. I'd rather have the guy from the French league that someone else was talking up last week. Lee was an absolute joke at the Senior bowl.
  7. The team knew they would be dealing with a lot of dead cap space in 2018 and that there would be a lot of new players in 2017. As a result keeping a pillar around, who was also a good player was important. Wood's hit was mostly going to come into play in 2018 and for 2019 he could be cut with minor cap implications. Until the injury those factors make his extension a logical choice, turn over the roster now with a few leaders kept around for continuity and work towards a wide open cap in 2019 when the previous regime's choices are done hurting us.
  8. Habits die hard, thats why people buy the same brand of dish soap for decades, thats why some people buy the same car brand over and over, its not a simple change. If the League tried your approach it would have been a disaster. According to the CBA any punishment is subject to arbitration, and can subsequently be challenged in court, as we saw with Zeke this year. On top of that "Mendenhall v. Hanesbrands explains, an athlete hired to a contract for a term of years cannot simply be fired for exercising political speech unless exercising that speech violates the terms of the underlying contract." So you would have a series of arbitrations and court hearings that debate if this political speech is in some way a violation of player contracts while other forms of political speech are not. So after dozens of court cases all sides would be stuck with a new precedent that opens up a whole host of problems that would be detrimental to everyone involved. In short your suspension policy would be the largest sports legal battle in history and the NFL would likely lose, and even if they won the damage to player owner relations would be catastrophic, just look how damaging their legal battles with Brady and Zeke were, now imagine that with the hundreds of players who protested in week 3.
  9. The protests during the anthem point to the real problem with the NFL audience, they were already looking for an excuse to tune out. In weeks one and two, before the president commented on the issue, 5 players knelt or sat during the anthem, 32 teams with a 53 man roster means there are over 1600 players each week. 5 players is .3% of players. So many fans were willing to get upset over such a small portion of players, and many tuned out over that small percentage. Fans are looking for a reason to stop watching, and they are more and more likely to find one.
  10. And so they should have looked st that and said “these leg injuries make me worry about his neck” really?
  11. Without KB we lose the Indy game and don’t make the playoffs. A third round pick to end the drought is well worth it.
  12. Questionable health? Before this his only injuries were a broken leg his rookie year and another broken leg last season. Hardly injury prone.
  13. I feel like every time I went to an event in Buffalo I saw Eric in the front row. Great player Great guy I wish him the best.
  14. It's quite obvious that he is a fiery competitor, its clearly visible on the sidelines, his coaches and teammates have also said as much.
  15. Same height as Brees, Most accurate Senior when throwing into tight windows, 8TDs and 1 int this year when playing against teams that finished in the top 10, the arrest was far less significant than Dion Dawkins' last year, his antics point to him being a fiery competitor.
  16. Outside of Buffalo a lot of the reporting is about how good Tryrod is and confusion about us moving on. On top of that a starting QB having his career end for concussion related reasons would be a big story.
  17. My speculation is that Tyrod had something along the lines of a seizure that led them to finding concussion related damage to his brain that will necessitate retirement. Hes taken some nasty concussions over the past few years.
  18. Mayfield has shown he’s a qualified passer. High accuracy, movement in the pocket and ability to run progressions and throw with anticipation.on top of that he has the intagables you look for, ability to learn and grow, lives and breathes football and elevates the players around him. He’s a legit top 10 talent. There is always risk but at some point you have to pull the trigger.
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