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The Guy In Pants

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Everything posted by The Guy In Pants

  1. It’s tough isn’t it? To be verbally attacked by an insatiable mob? No matter what you say; no matter what argument you make, they still resort to defamation of character whether or not It’s based on facts. That’s tough man. Trump gets it too. I think many of us do. Attacked by people you thought you were close to. People you figured had your best interest at heart and over what? Donald Trump? A guy they’ve been programmed to hate and probably still know nothing about? Over your intellectually superior understanding that it’s about whether or not we are being set up for success and this country is set up to help every American willing to help themselves. I have been voting across party lines since I could vote. I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 because I fell victim to the gift of gab. I wanted to believe that he had the best interest of all Americans at heart. It wasn’t long before I realized that he really did not and our career politicians are not in it for us. That their level of corruption went far beyond anything I could comprehend. In cake Trump; a man who’s opinion on what would help this country didn’t change in 30 years worth interviews. A man who had friends on both sides of the aisle and until he decided to run for president and said enough with the bad deals for America; they all liked him and looked to him for support. I voted for him. I liked what he had to say and even though they constantly put words in his mouth and made him out to be all of these horrible things; to me, they were lying. Why? I think I’m finding out now. You are in good company. You don’t have to be democrat, republican or independent to have a brain and be capable of independent thought outside of the collective group think mentality of the mob. Contrary to popular belief; it’s not race that determines who a person becomes. It’s not gender or sexual orientation that determines who a person becomes. A person is made up of much more than all of that. They’ve perfected the art of manipulation and They routinely use those small and inconsequential elements of an individual as a bargaining tool and a wedge between neighbors. Then, you have the career politicians on both sides of the aisle who latch on to the flavor of the week and try to save face with their selective outrage. I refuse to be manipulated to believe any of it. As you have indicated above; having a rational discussion with people who are brainwashed; is impossible. They’ll scream, insult and project. That’s what they do. I’m sorry you have had to endure that asinine behavior. Thanks for sharing. Stand tall and be proud of who you are. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. You built that.
  2. Some probably do have a degree of handicap. Whether it be solely mental or a variation. They are easy to manipulate and that’s the point; be easy to manipulate. Many of them are just ***** stupid and probably should be sterilized.
  3. I don’t think they could have even formed a circle. You give them too much credit.
  4. But, she’s also a hero. Remember that.
  5. You can continue if you’d like. I don’t need you to go on. However; we do have some resident “lost souls” who could use a good education in just who are the sworn adversaries of the republic and what exactly they’ve been getting away with for decades. But; we wouldn’t want to overwhelm them with “conspiracy theories” as they’re still reeling over the loss of their dear Russian collusion and hookers urinating on Trump at the Kremlin while he was there discussing what he was going to get in return for the keys to our nation.
  6. I sure hope the lot of them “woke” themselves right off a cliff.
  7. Before they run off and hide; they call you names.
  8. We can practice all new military and medical tech on pedophiles and extremely violent criminals. This way; we get a 100% “this is what it does to the human body” and not have to rely on the animals.
  9. Very convenient CYA email. Dotting her 8’s and crossing her L’s.
  10. These ***** people ???? What? You don’t believe her? Come on man. Russia.
  11. They’ve made it easier for me to separate people into three categories: ***** Morons Mentally Stable but stupid Normal
  12. I was just trying to get a rise out of someone. I suppose I should knead the next one a little more.
  13. I miss that place. Every day some new stupid morons actions or words would be video tapped and I could laugh at their expense. Now I have to come here a few more times a day to get those laughs in.
  14. If you think her IQ is low; you should see the IQ of those who support her. Amoebas. Societal parasites.
  15. https://m.tiktok.com/v/6847879441427909893.html?u_code=db6k01fj8fd5k2&preview_pb=0&language=en&_d=db6k0ak5l2b0im&share_item_id=6847879441427909893&timestamp=1594488607&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&user_id=6800079094949954566&tt_from=messenger&utm_source=messenger BCU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I can’t wait until natural selection gets back from vacation. Hopefully, it’ll put in a little overtime.
  17. “What a racist question.” People are ***** stupid.
  18. Many Americans are pretty ***** dumb.
  19. A couple in here need to go ahead and book their flights out of here and go somewhere where their moronic utopia is already in practice. If they hurry; they may be able to hit the bread lines before the rest of their new starving neighbors. They don’t deserve anything they have nor do they deserve what they take for granted. The only message I can put together for people who believe what they do is a heartfelt ***** off. The great thing is that they may feel they are in the majority but they’re not and most competent, normal people (regardless of some stupid physical trait people choose to group them as besides living breathing human beings) really do see them for the bull#### they spread.
  20. Or....... Karen is an easily manipulated and stupid B word Eric is an independent thinker with a desire to be a good person.
  21. The lower they go; the easier it is for the normal population to justify defense against their actions.
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