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The Guy In Pants

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Everything posted by The Guy In Pants

  1. Life is beautiful and it exists beyond our scope of acceptance and understanding. It exists whether or not we see it or believe it. It doesn’t give a ***** about whether or not someone finds it politically beneficial to support it. Life is bigger than we are. We are naive to believe we are it’s end all, be all.
  2. Hard pressed to find anyone who been in D.C longer than a year who hasn’t been. Many start out with great intentions only to find themselves forced to comply with the status quo.
  3. Well, “we” trusted them for 8 years under Obama and it’s just now coming out that we may have some serious issues on our hands. The difference between Obama and Trump is Obama was able to play our emotional and soft, comforting violins; Trump says whatever he wants. I voted for Obama the first time. I also voted for Trump in 2018. I’ll be voting for him again unless everything I’ve been told existed for the last 3 years comes out as 100% true. So far; the career pols in D.C are batting 0. I see your point and understand where you are coming from. How can we be sure partisan politics isn’t playing a role? I have no idea. I see partisan politics right now; but it’s not from Bill Barr that I can see.
  4. Well, the reason for the confusion is I have been conversing with Tiberius; not you. You had your own dialogue with Reality Check. You’ve never posed the question to me; as far as I could tell. So, if that is your question I’ll give you my non-legal student opinion. If the investigation finds a crime, then to an extent, possibly. Very fine line. There are many variables. You simply cannot play partisan politics and investigate until you find a crime just because you want to remove a president of opposite political party. In Trumps case; this is all partisan politics. Or at the very least; shown to be so with the number of “we’ve got him now” investigations.
  5. No, Im saying no one is above the law. I’m saying no one is guilty unless they are investigated, prosecuted and found guilty. I’m asking what Trump has done to evade prosecution if the investigations turned up enough evidence for crimes in which he should have been tried for?
  6. He’s been investigated........over and over and over again. What do you want to see him investigated for now? Touching all the produce at Wegmans? Perhaps he doesn’t wear the proper color socks with tan slacks? I am going to assume now; that your reason for completely ignoring my questions is because you cannot answer them. I will consider this a waste of my time. At least we didn’t resort to name calling and an argument. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
  7. No one should be immune to criminal prosecution of crimes were committed and they were tried and found guilty of them. I’m not asking you for a generic, bumper sticker answer. Obviously; you have made a lot of claims and should be able to substantiate them. I have asked for 3 simple things: What was he investigated for? What was he found guilty of in those investigations/trials? What did he do to evade prosecution from those crimes he was found guilty of committing? If you can answer those three things; then you have adequately proven your claims.
  8. How many investigations would you like? How many has there already been? Do you honestly believe that one man can skirt around countless investigations simply because he’s the president while 3/4 of Washington hates him and have tried to find a way to remove him from office? Name one executive order he has made in order to shield himself from prosecution. After you list those; list the crimes he was found guilty of and list it with the corresponding investigation.
  9. Five counts of tax fraud, one count of falsifying financial statements, one count of unlawful corporate contributions, and one count of excessive campaign contributions. He said he assisted in the Russia investigation and asked for that to be considered during sentencing. Good thing the Russia investigation wasn’t a complete joke. One might think Cohen wasn’t trying to weasel his way out of anything by telling prosecutors what they wanted to hear.
  10. Everyone. Didn’t you know that? From Stormy “I made it up, no wait, I didn’t. Hold on I guess I did. Avenatti put it in my Butt and now it’s being put in his so I can tell the truth now” Daniels, all the way to the urinating Russian hookers at the Kremlin when Trump was visiting and discussing the election with Putin in 2016 days before they released thousands of spy monkeys to take away the election from Hillary “What difference, at this point, does it make” Clinton. And now Trump is plotting to overthrow the US Government and mandate that everyone be racist, sexist, homophobic and bigoted in order to be a citizen. Naturally, he is working to postpone the next election so he can continue to destroy us. I heard the new country he has been colluding with is Bhutan. Schiff has all of that info and more.
  11. Maybe; but probably not. Think of all the revelations and then the immediate counters that took away the impact of those revelations. Had all of this come out before Russia hoax was destroyed etc; people would have ignored it. There is no ignoring this now. People can try but it’s impossible. People can continue to pretend that Trump is the absolute worst president the country has ever had and go about their nonsense or they can admit that they have been wrong since the beginning because they felt more inclined to allow their emotions to be manipulated but some of the most corrupt SOB’s in the world than they did to use the sense that the good Lord gave them. Sessions would have not had the kind of success at giving people the truth that Barr and company will have now. Just like in boxing; sometimes you have to let your opponent beat himself. That’s what I see happening here. Like all lies; there comes a point in which the original lie breaks down from the weight of all the other lies that had to be told in an effort to keep the first lie alive.
  12. Possibly so or at least it could appear that way; but with any statistic there are countless variables that may or may apply. Things such as larger populations, higher population density, underlying health issues of the areas of breakouts, frequency of international travel etc.
  13. He ate it. Had to have eaten it. You don’t strategically extract a boog, give it a loving eye and causally wipe it off your finger unto your fresh pressed suit pants. You slide that finger discreetly to your lips and lap it up.
  14. The media has been selling the general public used toilet paper for a long time. People are just starting to realize that if they start with ***** on the paper before they get to their own ass, then they can’t keep it clean. In other words; the media lies. Routinely. Daily. Perhaps hourly. Never has it been so out in the open and blatantly obvious than it has the last 3 years and not just in regard to Donald Trump. Journalism is on life support. You either stick to the script or you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist.
  15. At this point; if there is anyone still pushing the Trump/Russia bull#### and supporting any of the insane clown posse including Comey, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi etc, then maybe: A) They really don’t care Or B) They Lack an ability to discern and suffer from an intellectual disability. Or C) Require their opinions to be given to them. Or D) Are trolling the hell out of us because they have nothing else to do. Or E) All of the Above
  16. Two. One for the life they lived and one for the afterlife. Simple process too, as there is only one box available to place the check mark in.
  17. No way mail in ballots can lead to voter fraud. Zero probability. First of all; you have a postal service that has never lost an item of mail. Second; you have the sheer integrity of the ballot counters which should never be questioned. Bottom line with mail in ballots is; Trump loses by 300 million votes and couldn’t possibly win a second term which means the machine can rest a little easier knowing that they’ve successfully pulled one over on the less intelligent members of the former constitutional republic of The United States of America.
  18. It’s easier for people to be ignorant. Takes absolutely no energy and doesn’t disrupt their perceived normal. They also have a hard time listening. So, let’s say you give specific examples of members of an organization being corrupt; they will refute your examples by claiming you are referring to the entire organization as being corrupt and not just the elements of it you listed. Because, in their mind, that makes you biased against the organization and you can then fit in their perceived reality of “they’re right and you’re wrong”.
  19. This is only the beginning. This may be unbelievable to some but it will get even more unbelievable soon. The sad part is; some people are going to ride the lies straight to the end of the tracks instead of understanding they’ve been snookered and get off the train before it’s too late. It’s not about right versus left; but they want you to believe that it is. It’s never been about right versus left because the corruption; that’s going to be revealed; stretches far across the aisle. They‘ve gotten away with it for so long; that they believe it’s normal. It’s not. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you must lie in order for your to justify an action; that action was not the correct action to take. When you lie enough; you become the lie and the lie becomes you. They’ve been lying; they’re still lying. They’re going to lie all the way to the end. They don’t believe they’re going to be caught. Why? Because they’ve been lying for so long; they don’t remember the truth or believe they’re wrong. That’s scary.
  20. Even had they provided the reason; the narrative is still implanted deep into the minds of those unable to separate reality from their own emotional turmoil. The greatest weapon on is the control of information.
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