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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. Nope. Can’t stomach a New England victory after watching us get our asses handed to us in the 2nd half and overtime.
  2. and it would have been J.J. Watt who coached them how to do it!!!
  3. that pitch-back to nobody at the end of the nice run late in the 4th was... something else.
  4. we sure have had a ton of learning experiences over the last 25 years!
  5. In the most hopeless depths of darkness, the most beautiful light will emerge. Eventually.
  6. two DoGs that didnt really matter since they were punting from inside midfield. And the offsetting Pf penalty. One false start was the only penalty that mattered so far on them, I think
  7. I don’t want Anybody else When I think about JJ Watttttt I touch myself
  8. Color Rush Tyrod jersey here. Wore it to both games I attended this season (Bengals and Dolphins), and also when watching the wk 2 game against the Giants
  9. it’s official! Congrats Duke, you earned it.
  10. Duke MF’ing Williams, baby! Actually, that wouldn’t be too much of a surprise.
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