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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. I’ve watched a lot of football in the last 25 years, and I like to think I’m pretty good at knowing when the team is flirting with a DoG. That instance, they didn’t seem anywhere near it. Who knows, maybe I’m just getting old (or it was the IPAs I was consuming during the game).
  2. lol the network cameramen are experts at finding the fans with their hands over their mouths in situations like this.
  3. nope! Southern Ontario. They’re waiting...
  4. yep! Unfortunately, there will be a ton of Steelers and Patriots fans at NEF for those games. And Southern Ontario bandwagon Seahawks fans for the game against Seattle. Such is life.
  5. lol true. Goodell was probably tearing his hair out at the lack of scoring in that one.
  6. 98% sure the Bills will on Saturday. Isn’t Sunday for the two “bigger”/more “attractive” matchups?
  7. at least he didn’t do to Lorenzo what he did to Dawson Knox towards the end of the Bengals game!!!
  8. agreed, I think we win comfortably if all of our “A” guys were in there.
  9. So tempted to try and make the trip down there next fall for the game.
  10. True, but the Bills have quite an albatross themselves that they’ll be trying to get rid of!
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