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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Tyrod may not have seemed cowardly but he simply refused to throw the ball when his reciever wasn’t wide open. Dont know if cowardly is the right word but he certainly wasnt courageous.
  2. Yeah, the Bills are monsters. Sitting EJ in his second year, only giving Tyrod 3 years to prove he could score 1 or 2 tds a game consistently. Cant believe this team.
  3. You guys serious? I just moved to Victor from Baltimore. If you think those those areas are scary you must have lived some coddled lives.
  4. This was so yesterday. You need to move on, bud.
  5. I wish we could say the same but every time you post we know exactly who you are because we have to see that extra fancy pic of your nose and hipster glasses.
  6. As personal as fancying another man’s buns can be. Which in my experience can be fairly personal. I’m certain there’s an award. And if there is, it better be lined with silver much like Teef’s charasmatic personality.
  7. Ill explain it better for you. Your Shaw butt kissing hasn’t taken a hit since he was a mod. Basically, you kissed his buns on the bbmb, and you continue to fancy his buns on tbd.
  8. I mean, I’d like to agree with you but if there’s something I’m the absolute best at, it’s being humble. But far be it for me to stop you from elaborating in a 1,000 word follow-up post.
  9. Wow... still sucking up even when he’s lost his moderater duties. Dedication. ————————————————- My vote goes to the Acharit.
  10. No interest looking back but I’d trade Josh Allen for Josh Rosen.
  11. Jackson #2, and Rudolph before Mayfiekd? Big red flag right there. Did he just take someone else qb grades and just flip them? Maybe any other Josh.
  12. I lived in Baltimore 12 years and spent a lot of time in DC. I’m not sure it was all the different. Baltimore has much more human beings than wny and it was woof city in that regard. Sure, there are a few outliers of places that get considerably more transplants but wny is actually doing pretty well in that area considering the population.
  13. Where do you live? I’ve lived in many States and I don’t really understand this logic. You say in “wny” like it’s a leper colony. There are pretty girls everywhere. If you’re a 10, you’re a 10 everywhere. It’s not like your grade is judged on zip code. wny is not hurting for talent.
  14. You sound like you have some healthy relationships with women.
  15. I mean, I know it’s a football messageboard so people are going to jump on the chick but if you’re stuck at home watching your 1 year old and your significant others out getting blasted every night that would be annoying for anyone. On the the social media and not a private conversation is where she’s going wrong. On the other hand she may have tried talking to him countless times and he keeps doing it. That could make you act unreasonably. I don’t see this lasting on its present course. Looks like she’ll be getting paid millions by the Buffalo Bills soon.
  16. You’re already thinking of a blow out? Man, sure hope my seats aren’t near yours. You’re probably one of those guys that complain the entire time. Even when we’re doing well. “10 yards, ugh, we coulda had 15 if he hit Charles breaking!”
  17. Maybe he means super religious and chock-full of faith.
  18. I think people are getting too caught up in the 90’s aspect of it. Sure it could have elements of that but it could be more of an overall Buffalo Bills appreciation convention. Mostly it would be a bunch of likeminded people enjoying their team, buying some fun merch, drinking local brews, and eating beef and wings. Could even have some games like cornhole going on. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun if done right. This is a bit of generalization. Putting people into a box like this is reckless and irresponsible. I can name the whole team but I never thought that made me a better fan than the younger folks that didn’t get to experience it first hand. In a way it shows they’re pretty good fans never having experienced the glory years and still showing up and supporting their team when all they’ve known is losing. I never really understood the need to put others down to make myself feel like a “better” fan but then again I’m comfortable in my own skin. Says more about the person judging than the judged, imo...
  19. Sky Diver makes lots of Rosen threads under the guise of Allen threads.
  20. Yeah, because if any team screams happy fandom it’s the Tennessee Titans. Theres more to this, I’m thinking the poster has low T, the father in law picked that up and claimed the child as his own.
  21. I actually think this is a great idea. I agree with the guy that said you should keep it in the fans hands. Bills would water it down and make it much harder to interact with the alumni. We shouldnt be able to hug every player, I’m just saying cons are more of a community feel. Could become sterilized with too much interference. I was an out of town we up until recently and it sounds like something I’d definitely come in for, especially if it was attached to opening weekend or something of the like. You don’t have to get autographs. Just hang out, get some merch, eat some wings, drink some local brews while talking to like minded people. Cornhole games, etc... sounds like it could be awesome, if done right.
  22. The opinion part. His opinion was always negative? That’s not a very nuanced villain. The best villains always have a redeemable quality. Sully was instantly negative about everything. That’s not opinion, that’s schtick. People saw right through it and were bored of it. Why does that upset upset you so much? You said yourself you didn’t read it, so it’s good enough for us but not for you? Why do you get a say, how do you even have an opinion on articles you didn’t read?
  23. “No such thing as bad press?” Lazy and hackish, no wonder you loved Sully.
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