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Ray Finkel

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Everything posted by Ray Finkel

  1. Morse. Watch him on the 2 rushing touchdowns. He is a stud
  2. No doubt. We have numerous flaws but people seem to find the negative in good times. We still have a long way to go to be a CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM.
  3. Let’s see what Watkins does during a whole season and not 1game.
  4. Set him up to fail. Fits doesn’t deserve the criticism. Blame management.
  5. Him and sBeane know what they are doing. They are building a TEAM not individuals.
  6. Morse is a stud. You don’t see many centers pulling.
  7. Have him arrested for taping the phone conversation with Gruden.
  8. We even faked a punt. Greg Cater hit Mark Brammer for the first down. Chuck Knox!
  9. 1980 opener against Dolphins when the Bills broke the losing streak. Fans ripped the posts down. Also, when Kelly ran for the touchdown against Miami with no time remaining to win. I believe that might have been an opening game.
  10. He came and talked to my team when I played little league football. I was amazed how big he was. RIP Donnie.
  11. I think Lawrence has to play next year also. He is only a sophomore
  12. Michael Lombardi is saying that Clooney is going to get traded within the next 24-48 hours. He is close to Billy Boy. I wonder if he knows anything or if he is trying to get crap to stick on the wall.
  13. It definitely feels different. It all comes down to Josh. We don’t need anymore 10-7 or 9-6 losses.
  14. Can’t watch because I have Directv. They have gone to crap since TTand T took over
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