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Everything posted by Yobogoya!

  1. Well aside from the epic implosion afterwards, yes.
  2. I think a lot of people are overlooking the possibility she put hands on him first / as well. It's interesting that she phrased her response as "nobody assaulted anybody" and it's also interesting to me that he left the house. When a woman becomes physical against a man in these situations, often times he'll do what he can to restrain her/ get away and then his only real choice is to leave the situation because it's far easier for the man to do more serious damage and see much harsher ramifications. Not that it isn't also possible Miller is just a dirtbag. But considering the phrasing she used and the quick recanting, this situation seems just as plausible to be two toxic people who bring out the worst in each other as it is a guy who manipulates and controls his woman through fear and abuse. Gotta wait for more info and to see how it all plays out.
  3. Ruggs' situation was just a little bit different.. what with him being physically inside the vehicle that struck and killed someone 'n all. Not so much an accusation in that instance as a report of fact.
  4. As it should be. Good news for Miller is he's not a punter, so accusations alone may not be enough to derail his career. Guess we'll see.
  5. This looks oddly like what I'd expect my stat sheet to look like if I were a pro football defensive end. Ok, maybe not the solo tackle... But I could definitely get in on one assist. 😅
  6. Yeah but no you haven't, actually. You just keep giving me your opinion, and that's fine. But you haven't refuted my argument at all, because you can't. True or false: if Tyler Boyd drops a last ditch effort pass on 4th and 12 at the end of the Bengals/Ravens game, the Bills do not make the postseason in 2017? That's not "logic" or an "opinion," by the way. That's just a fact of reality.
  7. I'm not desperate to discredit McDermott. I'm forever grateful to him for braking the drought, I'm just putting some context into that achievement. You're the one offering an opinion instead of facts. That the 2017 record of 9-7 was more impressive than the 2014 of 9-7. That's your opinion, fine, ok. But again, I pointed out the FACT that the 2014 had a much higher strength of victory. So is it still your opinion McDermott's 2017 record was more impressive, even though his victories came against inferior competition? Frankly McDermott's roster might not have been "expected" to compete for anything in 2017, but that's because he himself chose to demolish the roster and go for a rebuild after he took over. He didn't inherit a team devoid of talent. Hell, Marrone had to do the mad scramble in 2014 after the Bills picked up Kyle Orton off his couch to try and salvage that season after EJ's downward spiral. And again, he still won nine games against a stronger slate of opponents. Not sure why this is your hill to die on honestly, lol.
  8. We held a 3-point lead with 15 seconds left vs the Rams in 2020 to seal the win after a Robert Woods fumble. Although considering we let them back into the game after being up 28-3 you may not take that as a positive, lol
  9. Sorry bro facts don't care about feelings. I'm not constructing a narrative, simply stating the obvious. Marrone sucked, I'm glad he flamed out of the league. But the fact is McD had the same record in 2017 as Marrone did in 2014, and by virtue of how the AFC standings fell, McDermott made the playoffs with that record and Marrone didn't. Still waiting for you to tell me what part of that isn't true. Don't worry, I'll wait. I've got all day.
  10. Anyone still drinking the mainstream kool-aid in 2023 has no excuse, frankly. For any news and analysis, sports or otherwise, you're far better off looking into independent media. I'd think everyone would have learned that after the Monte T'eo fiasco, but, well, that's willful ignorance for ya.
  11. How is it not true that McDermott and Marrone both finished with 9-7 records? How is it not true that Chan Gailey got one win over Brady/Belichick and McDermott never did in six attempts? Not sure what you think is inaccurate about that...? Look I'm not gonna stick up for Marrone too much, but in 2017 there was a scrum of wild cards at 9-7 and Buffalo had the right tiebreakers to advance to the postseason. No one in the AFC except division winners had more than 9 wins. In 2014, both AFC wild card teams had 10 wins. If an AFC non-division winner had 10 wins in 2017, McD doesn't break the drought the year, plain and simple. Curiously, the Marrone 2014 team had a strength of victory of 0.486, which is quite a bit higher than the 2017 team which had 0.396 strength of victory. So Marrone got the same record against tougher competition. Dunno man, these are just the facts. 🤷‍♂️
  12. There's no doubt in my mind the Bills can perfectly tread water for many years with McDermott as head coach.. and with Josh Allen as QB. Look if Josh goes down, this is barely a 2-3 win team. What we need out of a head coach right now is to make the correct decisions in critical moments, and McDermott seems to really struggle with that despite several years from which he could reflect and learn from his mistakes. But hey, maybe the Bills come out of the bye and go on a tear to finish the season. With Josh as QB anything is possible. But if we lose even one more close game in the fashion that's become McD's specialty, that seat is only gonna get warmer...
  13. Are you trying to say Allen didn't learn anything from Peterman during those two quarters against the Ravens where he posted a 0.0 passer rating? 😂
  14. Spot on. I don't think McDermott is a bad coach per se, but I don't think he brings to the table anything that is irreplaceable. That Marrone team could have just as easily broken the drought and he'd have gotten the benefit of much leeway if AFC standings had fallen the way they did for us in 2017. He also kind of lucked out in having Brady leave the division, paving the way for those consecutive division titles. McDermott was 0-6 vs the Belichick/Brady tandem. In that sense, even Chan Gailey got an achievement that McD never could.
  15. Yeah, there's absolutely no reason not to sell out to stop it at the goal line. But if they have 4 downs to try for it... probably gonna get it eventually. But if Hurts get hurt on that play you'll probably see them get more conservative with it.
  16. Yeah, tbh people gave him s--- for it in gameday thread but I didn't even have a problem with Philips' jump yesterday. If you time it perfect you can stop Hurts in the backfield. If not, you still hit him and put him on his ass at least. What do you have to lose? You're probably giving up the first down anyway.
  17. I feel like the Eagles are daring someone to stack all their heavy bodies against that play. If Sirianni is thinking ahead, he's got Hurts ready to audible into a quick out if the defense comes that heavy against them there. And frankly, that could end up being a disaster -- a 1 yard first down could instead be a touchdown when nobody is able to react to the out pattern cause they're selling out for the run stop. But with smaller linebackers and nickel personnel, I agree, you pretty much have no chance of out-muscling them.
  18. Eh, the big criticism with Frazier is that he NEVER brought extra pressure. A nice balance would be best, and you have to be good at reading the situation obviously. Something I noticed yesterday was we blitzed a linebacker (I can't remember who) from like 2-3 yards behind the line of scrimmage and he looked SO SLOW I knew there was no chance he could possibly impact the play, let alone get to Hurts in time to disrupt him. And of course, I don't even think he had touched the LOS before the pass was thrown. The best pressure schemes understand their personnel and how to use them. Don't call a blitz just to call a blitz - make sure the guy you're sending has a realistic chance to do something. Otherwise you're taking him out of coverage for no reason.
  19. Josh passed the ball 51 times and there wasn't so much as an illegal contact. Eagles secondary must truly be a revelation. I expect them to sweep the all-pro nominations for the backfield 👍
  20. Yep, exactly. Thing is, all of those things can happen in overtime as well. If you can't execute and score the needed points, you're losing the game whether there's 20 seconds on the clock or 10 minutes. At some point you've got to man up and play for the win, especially with a top QB. No excuse.
  21. I like his personality too. Frankly I don't get the people on here who think he's a d-bag. Guy literally stopped a football game for one of his players after a life-threatening incident. Most coaches probably continue that game. Now Harbaugh? He is a d-bag. Pretty big one. Can't stand the guy. But frankly if we could bring him here, I'd be for it. He's had quite a track record of success. He got to a super bowl with Colin Kaepernick, even if they came up short that's pretty impressive considering CK was later benched for Blaine Gabbert of all people. McD has the winning percentage, but let's not pretend like Josh isn't the biggest reason for that. Look at even a great coach like Belichick without Brady. QB rules all and we have one of the best in the biz... if McD can't win it all with JA, he isn't going to win it all with anyone. How long do we stick with him purely for the culture?
  22. Even with one TO you've got to at least try one pass there. If you pick up 15-20 yards, you take the timeout and have at least one if not two tries to get another 15-20 where you then spike the ball and try the kick. Can't agree with that decision. Even if Gabe had ran the correct read in OT and caught the winning touchdown, I'd still say he was wrong to pass up the chance to win with 20 seconds left.
  23. I get where you're coming from, but it's going to be hard to see an experienced DC bringing his own scheme to this team and McD giving him the reigns to implement it. And frankly if we're just promoting someone from within, that's the same as keeping McD's scheme which has some serious late-game deficiencies regardless of who is and isn't injured. Honest question, but what does McDermott bring to the table as a head coach that you like so much you're willing to rule out replacing him? Aside from the allure of continuity from an organization standpoint?
  24. Mark Davis needs there to be a head coach salary cap in order to save him from himself.
  25. Dorsey's biggest problem seemed to be that the league figured him out and he couldn't adjust his tendencies. The predictability of his play-calling was his undoing. The more teams think they know what's coming the easier it is for them to be aggressive. Hell, we had fans on this board calling out his plays before they happened. If couch coaches can see it, you know the real ones can.
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