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Everything posted by Yobogoya!

  1. It might not be as crazy as it sounds. If we really do want a young, hot OC... I think the only reason not to go with Brady is to feel like a true reset instead of partially maintaining the McDermott status quo. We'll have to see how the rest of the year plays out. Brady's offense is red hot right now but could fizzle down the stretch.
  2. Yeah the trio of terror (Gabe, Sherfield, Harty) are so unreliable its borderline absurd. Give me the Chan Gailey goon squad before these guys. Believe me, I'm hanging onto a sliver of hope that Von can come out of the bye week playing like something resembling a competent player. But this was the exact worse-case scenario when we signed him, so to see it play out when it was reasonable to think it could happen is more than just disappointing in my book.
  3. I mean they upset the Pats in 2018 with a strong team that was QB'ed by Nick Foles of all people. That's one championship, and they made it back to compete for another with a whole new staff and QB just last year. Seems legit to me. 🤷‍♂️
  4. I'll say it again for you: a huge mistake when you factor in the opportunity cost of who else we passed on and how much we signed him for. Von was playing well last year, no doubt. Could we have also signed another player who would have played well? Would that player have cost as much or less? There's no crystal ball that would have told us Von's injury was a certainty, but for a 33 y/o edge rusher, you have to think about how much money you're tying up with him to gamble on his maintaining that high level of form for another 2-3 years. I just don't think that was the right contract for the right player at the right time, regardless of hindsight. Frankly, I would have rather traded for Von in 2021 when he was available. Worked out well for the Rams, while our pass rush floundered vs. KC when we needed it.
  5. Never thought we'd look back and say Dick Jauron was a pioneer... a man ahead of his time!
  6. I get where you're coming from. The Floyd signing was great, maybe one of Beane's top-3 pro personnel moves since he's been here. But Reddick had 12.5 sacks in Arizona in 2020 and 11 sacks with Carolina in 2021. For comparison, Von had no sacks in 2020 (due to injury, so if you want to go back he had 8 in 2019) and 9.5 between Den/LA in 2021. Don't see how Reddick would have been more of a Flyer than Von was that off-season. Considering age and recent injuries, Von was by far the bigger risk in my book. And remember: we're paying Von 5 million more per year than Reddick got.
  7. It's not about Miller being bad now after that injury - it's the opportunity cost of who we passed on. We could have signed Reddick for less and expected similar or even better production long term, due to both age and history. I like Von, he certainly looked the part before going down. But considering his age, locking him into that much money when there were other options was a huge mistake. I didn't like it compared to other options then, and obviously my opinion hasn't aged poorly.
  8. No joke, looking back in hindsight what Jauron did to get 7 wins out of those dreadful rosters might be nothing short of miraculous. In a division with Brady/Belichick, no less. Frankly I respect the man a lot more these days...
  9. Just to punctuate the difference between Philly front office and ours: we could have had a 28 y/o Haason Reddick for... *checks notes* $5mil less AAV. He even was a Carolina Panther the year prior. How did McBeane miss out on this guy!!
  10. It does make you wonder why we drafted a guy who excels precisely at that style of coverage, just to not play him - and to not play that coverage when it matters most. It defies logic. Makes me kind of glad we hung onto Elam tho... If we do cut bait with McD this offseason and bring in a new D-coordinator, I'll be very curious to see how Elam further develops.
  11. And the Process' mandate of self-reflection and learning from mistakes doesn't seem to apply. Why is he so scared to play tight coverage and go for the win on those late drives? I mean, we lose anyway... surely there's no reason not to try it at this point, right?
  12. To be fair, I think that timeout was more about making absolutely, POSITIVELY SURE that we only had 11 men on the field for that field goal. Now the fact that was necessary, well... that's certainly not something to be happy about, lol
  13. Sad but true. As dominant as the Pats were for those 20 years, the AFC had Peyton and Big Ben to somewhat keep them in check. Not to mention the Ravens, on defense alone. KC has the benefit of a featherweight division, much like the Pats did. But the AFC literally parts like the red sea for them every postseason.
  14. It's a shame we've paid Hyde and Poyer the money in their twilight years while they struggle that they arguably deserved in their prime years when they were perennially the top duo in the league. We had them both for quite a bargain for a while. Nature of the beast, I know. Still sad to see.
  15. Imaging being the fan base booing your 9-1 team, fresh off a super bowl appearance and victory not too long ago, for struggling before half time. Worst fanbase in all of sports. Can't wish enough struggles upon them.
  16. Yeah and then he took Tyrod Taylor to an astounding 3 whole points in those playoffs. I'll be forever grateful that the guy broke the drought, no doubt. But Marrone's Bills finished 9-7 his first year, too. If the standings fall the right way that year, he breaks the playoff drought with, uh... Kyle Orton, lol.
  17. To think we're a rare non-call-in-our-favor from saying "we could have just beat Zach Wilson, Mac Jones AND Tyrod Taylor." It's just gross.
  18. I mean, to be fair, he HAS stacked a lot of actual victories prior to this season. Question is if you believe that's due to his coaching, leadership and decision-making or if you think it's the Josh Allen effect. I'd say most of us are onboard as believing its the latter, at this point.
  19. Yep. And if that plan doesn't work against Mac f'n Jones of all people, how the hell is it going to work against top QB's like Hurts, Burrow, etc?
  20. Something was definitely up in that first half. Those calls weren’t just unfairly lopsided, they were blatantly bias toward the Eagles. At the same time… No NFL official told Gabe Davis to run the wrong option on his route in overtime. That wasn’t a fix, unless you think David was in on it. 🤷‍♂️
  21. Meanwhile every Joe Nobody receiver the Eagles had was making tough catch after tough catch in the rain and coming down with the ball. It’s crazy how hard it’s been for us to find reliable receivers for a top shelf QB.
  22. This kind of thing should seriously be looked into. Those calls today were.. it’s weird, he was almost cocky the way he was announcing them. Like “I know it’s BS but you can’t stop me.”
  23. It’s exactly because of all those close losses that McD is on the hot seat. How many times does an opponent get a free release with the game on the line before we replace the guy who keeps calling it?
  24. It nice of you to think they just “missed” those calls.
  25. If you’re measuring McD by the direct decisions he has made over the last several years, it’s crazy to think his seat wouldn’t be warm. He has arguably the best football player in the world at his disposal and has routinely made poor calls, poor challenges, and called soft defense that has resulted in soul crushing losses again and again. I like the guy as a person, and I’ve held out hope he could turn it around. this game convinced me he never will.
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