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Everything posted by MJS

  1. Well, I disagree. I think the team is a little worse. Nothing too drastic, but the offensive line is clearly worse. Worse depth and a backup from last year is now penciled in as a starter. Bates is gone and he was quality depth. Hyde and Poyer are gone. They weren't the best last year, so maybe it's a push. We're worse at edge rusher without Floyd. No depth at defensive tackle. The only position that appears to be stronger is wide receiver, which is good. However, we're still in the middle of things. The draft hasn't even happened. Beane will sign more players before camp. I have no reason to believe the Bills won't field a very competitive team that is as good or better than last year's.
  2. This game was my earliest Bills memory where I was actually a fan and cared about the team. Before that I kind of cared because my dad was a fan, but this was the first season I was actually invested myself. I was introduced to the heartbreak early. It was excellent conditioning for a Bills fan. It would be interesting to rank each team's most noteworthy heartbreaking games. I bet the Bills have the longest list.
  3. There's always a case to trade back. Trading back and picking up a third would be good. But it depends on who is left on the board and how much Beane likes them.
  4. They didn't have the money to pay him, so they had to get what they could.
  5. Yeah, that was what I wondered. I guess there is no surprise onside kicks anymore if they go that route.
  6. Of course. The Bills are still, and will continue to be, a top 5 team in the NFL. They will likely be in the playoffs fighting for a championship again. We have a Superstar QB in his prime, promising young players, good coaches, and good depth all around. Are we missing some pieces? Probably, but we need to let the off season play out. There is the draft and Beane has until training camp to bring in more talent and retool this roster. This is one of the premier times to be a Buffalo Bills fan. The team is well respected throughout the league. Players and coaches want to be here. The team has great facilities and is building a new stadium. Each year they reload and try to get better instead of having to make wholesale changes and start over. It's great.
  7. I predicted: "645 yards, 5 TD's The bulk of that coming in the 2nd half of the season when he ramps up to more playing time." Not too shabby. I didn't predict receptions, though.
  8. I don't even think it is possible, honestly. It would take every meaningful draft pick for the next couple of drafts, and since the Bills are always picking late, who even knows if they would do that? That is not true. The hype around Watkins was even greater than for Harrison, in my opinion. This is just recency bias.
  9. Uh, they've moved before. They weren't originally in KC.
  10. Yeah, people like to say winning and championships are a team stat, but the QB position BY FAR has the most to do with it. Yes, other aspects of the team are important too. That's obvious. But if you can pin winning on any one aspect, it is the QB.
  11. Real Deja Vu would be if we play them week 1 again and Rodgers gets injured... Jets fans would riot, I'm sure.
  12. If there is a position I trust McDermott with, it is safety. If he thinks he can make it work with Rapp and Edwards, that works for me. But they may also draft a guy. We'll see.
  13. It's just stupid to make a comment like that. The best thing to say is, "The Jets look to be much improved and maybe they have a shot at the division, but they have to prove it by going through Buffalo. As of now they own the AFC East." To go out and say they are better than anybody is just ridiculous.
  14. A football guy to run business operations? This has nothing to do with either sport. This is purely a business position.
  15. That was a different team. They are the Titans now. The Texans were an expansion team in 1999.
  16. Blue is too dark. Might as well just make it black. The numbers look weird. The shoulder stripes are silly. It's just change for the sake of change, which almost always turns out worse.
  17. Paying a running back almost never works out these days.
  18. I wouldn't be overly worried about Lewis, but I would prefer him as a backup for sure. Certainly would not want Hamlin as a starter. McDermott knows what he is doing with the secondary, though. That's a position group we should all be trusting him on. His track record is great.
  19. I hope he goes somewhere and excels. He deserves it after the last couple of devastating years.
  20. He is one of many free agent safeties that would be a great fit.
  21. I do feel like our receivers tend to not make those incredible catches as much as other teams have. I think it is once or twice a game I see really amazing catches when I watch other teams. It's like once every few games for the Bills. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because of how hard Allen can throw it? Maybe because we don't have contested catch guys?
  22. I'm sure it plays a role, but I don't think it is determined only by where they are from or how exposed they have been to playing in the cold. There are tons of guys from warm weather areas that have shown they can play at a high level in the cold. Some can't. This has to be one of the last things I would consider when evaluating a prospect, though. There are so many things that are so much more important than this. Unless the player is making comments about it, then you might want to stay away because it shows they are conceited and weak. The message you want to hear is, "I'll play anywhere. Cold, hot, rain, snow, whatever." If they are whining about the cold as draft prospects, that's a character concern.
  23. Well, none of us know what his intention was before and now after the signings. But Beane likes to go into a draft without any positional emergencies, so he always fills holes as best he can in free agency, which allows him to target whatever players he wants in the draft. So, I think his strategy at WR is the take one if he likes the value and likes the player at the time the Bills are picking, or to trade up and grab one if he particularly likes that player. Maybe that is in round one. Maybe not. It's hard to have a set strategy anyways because you are contending with 31 other teams. You cannot predict what will happen with any level of certainty, so you have to be able to adapt and change plans.
  24. Yeah, because all the best teams spend big in free agency.... Oh wait, no. It's the worst teams and the desperate teams that spend big in free agency.
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