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Everything posted by sleeby

  1. Good on McD! He's absolutely correct and honest enough and smart enough to say it. You can tell the guys here who enjoyed rex Ryan's BS bravado - they want to be sold a dream is all: " hush lil bills fans don't you cry, rex is gonna win you a playoff bye. And if that playoff bye don't fall, rex is gonna show you bully ball. . ." I ain't johnny cash, eh. I hope this is also a foreshadow that they are not going to trade a ton of picks to move way up for one guy this year. I suspect it is but I'm also biased and maybe reading as I want.
  2. Well, they guy tried to play tolbert as though he were shady and that was a fail; and he kept calling for passes to tolbert and dood cannot catch. He played tyrod all wrong too. Of course, he also got shafted right before the opening game when he came to the office and learned his 1 and 2 WRs were traded. Ha. Talk about a bad morning "hey rick, grab a cup of coffee and meet me in my office. Need to tell you something."
  3. Correct. I'm an atheist and of the opinion that the old testament is one of the most important books on human history. Isaac asimov wrote a huge guide to it explaining it all with that view. Those are the stories of our pre history as told from generation to generation and finally written down by several people - hence they differ. Many of the names assumed to have been people are actually countries or tribes.
  4. Moon shots is another one - going into orbit around a moon or planet and swinging off to get easy inertia. Unless, they also do not beleive we have been to mars, Pluto and now well beyond. Object in motion stays in motion in space. But you guys are going about it all wrong here. Never gonna work. To work in dark ages argument one must adopt dark ages logical thought. Start with this and adapt as needed: Monty python is it a witch: http://lexx.thebruce.net/poem/monty.html
  5. To add to what coach Tuesday said - the USA is one of the most religiously fanatical countries in the world. I found that hard to swallow at first but then, I've lived in WNY my entire life and we're not a hot spot for that sort of thing; usually.
  6. It's to keep us rubes from panicking and becoming useless - think blinders on a horse. If we were to know that the earth had edges we would worry incessantly about falling off. Think it through brother. Easy stuff. I'll work with you on any level.
  7. To those who asked why does anyone care to push an agenda such as flat earth I would guess it's similar to the organized religions. Perhaps hoping to make huge money and followers such as scientology did with it's sci-fi alien origins. There's always going to be that greedy guy who wants more women and money than he should ever be allowed.. . and the rest are all gullible rubes; same as it ever was.
  8. The problem is that he's going to suck with our line and WRs.
  9. Update - I eat crow - Richie had better watch his six. Martin was first apprehended while in his car and he had two guns with him. He purchased them both very recently and one was very similar to the shotgun in the picture. Or so I read this am.
  10. Hey, at least we're not talking about tyrod here. Dinosaurs kind of still do exist - the egg laying odd ball mammals. Isaac Asimov was one of the smartest minds ever - though he could not write a character to save his life - and wrote far more non fiction than fiction. Best teacher I ever had. The classification of mammals is not the internal egg nor mammary glands nor hair but rather the structure of the inner ear. The species of dinosaur which became warm blooded and evolved into the mammals has left behind these odd ball egg layers whose inner ear is not mammalian but still reptilian. Asimov made a strong case for their being more dinosaur than mammal. Article - The Problem of the Platypus published in his book 'The Left Hand of the Electron' Doubleday 1972
  11. Yea, but the second book was just too preachy and boring. Hoping the third is more like the original but unlikely the franchise will ever recover. . .though, even CHIPs got remade so who knows.
  12. Dood, I sure hope you're joking. Every sentence here is wrong. Geno called, he wants his bong back.
  13. Agree, but in that event and with the new OC I say start N8 P - worst case we get a good look, tank some, decide he's not the guy. We do have a lot of holes to fill. Our offense is one guy - lose shady to injury and it's over. On O alone we need a couple of linemen, a couple of WRs, a QB and an actual backup RB. . .and that's only one side of the team. I hope they can find a QB they like at around 21 but if not then I like the idea of trading back as you say. Grab a QB in a later spot and have n8 and he play it out and repeat next year. 2018 is not going to be a championship year - I doubt we see the playoffs. The new mgmt has been cleaning house for a year now - fumigation after those Ryan dopes. The process is clearly not a one year thing.
  14. Trading up is too high a cost for a team with so many holes. It will mean suffering - as in N8 P's first half of NFL suffering. That kid was terrorized out there and should have been sacked all day long but rather panicked and threw dumb ints. The throws he did make were often inexplicably dropped by his mates. Giving it all up for a top QB in this draft will mean another rookie qb's sufferage for us to watch. Then when he chooses to run the ball repeatedly (fight or flight) many here will be upset about that. Ha. Much suffering I see.
  15. A rookie QB here will not likely be good right off - we're not ready for him. I say we get the best we can at or near round 20 and also start fixing the other needs. Do we really want to duplicate the colts last few years? l think many Bills fans are the usual over optimistic as to next year. We ended the streak by a nose hair and are not two or three key pieces from an AFC championship game appearance right yet. On offense alone we need OL, QB, WRs (maybe several) and a backup RB. We all know how we felt in week 16 when shady was punching the turf in pain - it was all over without him. . .an offense with a depth of one guy. Adding a rookie QB is going to take at least a couple of years to gel.
  16. I wonder if that image will hurt us with signing anyone. The fans loved it anyhow.
  17. And those "advisors" get a decent percentage of the contract's monies. It's always the money.
  18. The PI is far too powerful of a penalty; it just does not fit in and ruins games. The whole wtf is a catch is really dumb. Amazing talent is being deemed a non catch for seemingly random reasons. The NFL is ruining its product. It can fix these two issues without worrying about QB injuries and brain damage law suits too.
  19. And if yer rich you can just grab em by their vulvas? ;o) Not coming back anytime soon. The politics in this country are heading in the exact opposite direction. Tampa had legal problems with their squad too. Not sure how that ended but those girls were attention grabbing in their costumes. Wrong political culture nationally and wrong weather locally. If you like then enjoy them on TV when watching other teams at home and leave the lawsuits away from OBD.
  20. {{{Miami at 22 years of age with fame and loads of expendable cash}}}
  21. But Miami means teal and orange! Ha. Not buying the bills as a prime destination thing. Small city and cold late season. I also think many Bills fans are the usual over optimistic as to next year. We ended the streak by a nose hair and are not two or three key pieces from an AFC championship game appearance right yet. On offense alone we need OL, QB, WRs (maybe several) and a backup RB. We all know how we felt in week 16 when shady was punching the turf in pain - it was all over without him. . .a offense with a depth of one guy. On a positive note, the locker room and persona of the team is finally being cleaned up and the fumigation of the Ryan twits seems complete. We seem to all agree that we have faith in the thinking and skills of leadership now in place. We may not make the playoffs this year but with luck in how the draft picks pan out in the NFL we might make something decent in a few years. Most exciting time for this team in several years at least- but prime destination and the idea of being a few pieces away is a bit fanboy. :o)
  22. You do have a point there hapless. Either way, it certainly needs to be taken seriously. I see an opportunity for Richie to step up here. Reach out to this guy and privately apologize and make amends - regardless of guilt. The perceived antagonists could likely help the guy better than anyone.
  23. Bill - BLM is not about hating all cops. You do not seem to understand the issue - which somehow seems to be the normal even though BLM is so very simple.and well defined and communicated. Anyhow, the NFL is a business as you point out and its business fails quickly without black and brown skinned associates. The last thing they need is a player strike. The same players are forced to don pink for the politics of breast cancer lobbyist groups so then saying they cannot use the field for educating about discrimination is tone deaf; amd maybe legally risky. I have wondered why always breast cancer. Prostrat cancer could use some sunshine in its backyard too. Ha.
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