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Everything posted by CNYfan

  1. The Jets are going to be a tough out. They won 6 of their last 8 in 2019 while the Bills lost 4 of their last 5.
  2. I read in Barron's a few weeks back that Jerry Jones' energy company (CRK a Texas Oil Company) was a total flop. With annualized returns of -15% over the past 15 years (the exact figures escape me but one can probably find the article). The bonds were below junk grade, but the company was bailed out by asset purchases by the Federal Reserve. There's a guy who needs a taxpayer bailout.
  3. As to Billsfan692's points about Tre, I cannot speak anything about his instagram posts or other social media inclinations. But from my uninformed spot in the cyber-world when Beane made the comment about "Well if a guy wants to play in Louisiana there is only so much you can do about that." my intuition immediately told me that he was talking about Tre White. On the hand I did see a blurb where he told Jamal Adams that the Bills Fans were the best when Jamal was saying he would have to go somewhere else to get paid
  4. This is the one I have my eye on. But it is wait and see for a little while. I will decide by mid - july
  5. Witten was terrible, Collinsworth is annoying in a much different manner
  6. I 100% believe that this is true. I also felt Bellecheat was trolling the Bills with the pick and the "dog biscuit" scene. Maybe paranoid but it felt that way. I also think the Bills took Fromm because Patriots were going to grab him.
  7. It is more than that. More than that. It is die hard, no fair weather, working class absolute bonkers loyalty to the local team fans It is perseverance, love of a misunderstood and vastly under rated area of the world. It is a great fan base, so proud to be a fan of a class organization.
  8. I think in Epanesa, Moss and the CB7 McBeane injected extra toughness into the roster. These guys one common trait is a strong, mean and tough attitude they bring to the gridiron. While I have my hesitation concerning DL#2, I can see where the opposition will never be in for an easy pain free Sunday. These guys bring a hard hitting theme to the draft.
  9. I watched the Mark Waldman piece about Zack Moss on Youtube on the big screen last night. I was left with the impression that Devin will be 1A in this committee. But there is much to like. Strong in pass protection, tough and fluid running, holds on tight with a real emphasis on keeping that Duke safe. . I think we will be able to run the ball more effectively next year.
  10. I try to stay optimistic but I will say I did not like the AJ Epanesa selection. The reports that he lacks twitch, bend and speed were a put off for me. I cannot see this guy effectively chasing a QB or RBs on sweeps and arounds. I hope I am wrong. Seems like a fine young man who has worked hard to get to this point.
  11. I think, maybe, UDFA Agents are telling them to stay away from Buffalo because 'their roster is deep and stacked '. Maybe, tough team to make the cut.
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