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Peace Frog

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Everything posted by Peace Frog

  1. Even if Byrd was playing and Pettine drew up an actual regular season game plan and the players showed up to play (not going through the motions) like it was the playoffs, I think they would've got smoked badly with RG3 in as QB.
  2. I hated that sack too. It was very Rob Johnsonesque.
  3. Sad, sad, sad. Brady is going to make our D look like a loaded diaper.
  4. From what I've seen so far in this 3rd preseason game, I think the Bills should be prepared for a big letdown against the Pats in week 1. I'd love nothing better than to see Brady get destroyed but I'm anticipating Buffalo getting embarassed in their home opener.
  5. All this chatting is confusing me. I just want the Bills to kick the crap out of the Pats and then urinate on them. Is that asking too much?
  6. Amen! The Mike Williams debacle could not be foreseen as the Bills were debating between him and Bryant McKinney and decided on the former as the latter had 'attitude issues'. Oh, well. Swing and a miss. The one that really chaps my fanny is picking Whitner over Haloti Ngata. Grrrr.
  7. I'm on board with all of this. My definition of a big INT is Byrd picking one off in the endzone from Brady that was intended for Gronkowski that would've put the Pats ahead in the 4th quarter. I think Byrd is good but not great, based on what he's done so far. Maybe he will shine in Pettine's system.
  8. Now if only we had a HC willing to try a 50yd FG....
  9. Appreciated what Bill did here in the late 80s and early 90s but that ship has sailed. I would like someone even better than Bill here as GM. AFAIC (as far as I'm concerned), let's see what this new staff can do first before taking a trip down memory lane.
  10. I would say the #1 receiver, in the classic sense, is the one who is targeted the most by the QB. It doesn't matter if they play slot or outside.
  11. If these new receivers are potentially that good, why do we even need B. Smith or M. Easley?
  12. I'm starting to get on board for several reasons. A new head coach with a winning track record, not an NFL retread or some assistant trying to get some HC experience on the job. A real QB with prototypical size from a good football program. No more meddling from Ralph. Good owner, not so good front office man. Catching the Jets in rebuilding mode and New England on a down cycle. I think Miami plays us the toughest this year.
  13. In this order: Ralph Wilson, Jack Kemp, Jim Kelly, OJ Simpson
  14. I keep coming back to this team because we've not only been through so much together, but when they win a SB I can tell everyone about what I had to endure to savor a championship. I always start the season cautiously optimistic. I'm happy so far with not only the players they brought in, but the ones they got rid of.
  15. My whole thing about this thread was the potential enormity of an opening day win. A rookie QB beating our archnemesis in his first start of our home opener after all the negativity from the 'pundits' for drafting him in the first place. Let them eat crow!
  16. If he starts in week 1 and beats New England.......how cool would that be?
  17. Here's the thing: If Marrone felt compelled to draft Nassib and Nassib doesn't work out, it could mean his job as HC. It would be even harder to cut Nassib than to not draft.
  18. If I was drafting for team needs.... 1. QB 2. LB 3. CB 4. WR
  19. Quincy Carter, Rick Mirer, Akili Smith, JeMarcus Russell.
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