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Everything posted by CoffeeDrip

  1. I know we need secondary help, especially S, but I really want to see an offensive pick in Rd 1. I wouldn’t hate a game breaking TE. But my wish list for this off-season is OL. Im mentally prepared for the pick to be another DL.
  2. I think right now it looks likely Tua doesn’t play. The betting line and the hush hush nature of news about him for the past two weeks just give me that vibe. But you know he wants to play. The fins have a few questions as far as health goes atm. It will be something to watch as the week progresses. Never discount those Nuns man. They can be brutal.
  3. They’re represented. Well represented is a bit of a stretch.
  4. Idk, Mahomes has a tendency to throw balls that are often tipped or should-be picks - they just tend to fall his way most of the time.
  5. I thought I heard Romo say his arm was hit as he threw. He was hit from behind pretty hard on that play I believe.
  6. The original intent was for Brady, who EFFED us every chance he got. The “tradition” should die just like the Patriot Way has.
  7. I feel a little dirty rooting for the Raiders. But it’s a good dirty. 😂
  8. Idk the way Chiefs fans are whining on Twitter the NFL is rigged against them and they somehow got screwed by the league in the playoff resolution they passed… 🙄
  9. Forgot what his injury was - some sort of break?
  10. Yeah I mistyped as I said in my follow-up response.
  11. The big issue is that doctors aren’t generally great at communications. A lot of good communicators don’t really understand science. So things definitely get lost in translation between the medical personnel to the family and the family to each other etc. That’s why I think they need a single spokesperson. But obviously they have more pressing concerns. I don’t think anyone is being intentionally misleading or seeking something by speaking to the media, they just aren’t the right people to do it.
  12. A lot of ‘normal’ jobs come with risk - I’ve had a second cousin killed by road maintenance equipment on the job, had a distant relative killed by a falling equipment part on the job, and a kid I went to high school was crushed in a factory accident and permanently paralyzed. People don’t think about it much, unless they’ve been directly impacted. The risk isn’t mitigated with a huge paycheck like athletes get or with the “hero” status given to police, firefighters etc. But it’s still there.
  13. Obviously I mistyped and meant none of us can say. This is why I hate writing on my phone, I don’t think things through like I do from a PC. Apologies.
  14. In the end I have faith Sean McDermott will do whatever is best for his players and staff - that includes seeing to their mental health. It’s clear he is always extra cautious when it comes to injuries and I think he cares very deeply for his players as people first and players second. Whatever that means for Sunday, none of us can speculate.
  15. Honestly I think the family would benefit from designating a spokesperson officially and saying “if it doesn’t come from x individual please don’t report it, it isn’t official”. I think everyone means well in trying to get us updates but I’m of the opinion that there are too many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak. We all want news but in the end who is correct?
  16. Agreed - I only go into the office on Monday and Friday so any game that’s not SNF or TNF is fine by me!
  17. Bills play Sunday at 1. I’m ok with it.
  18. My brother lives near Phoenix, I actually wanted to go out back in 2020 to see him and go to the Cardinals game (but the pandemic made that impossible). I do not, however, have the kind of disposable income to even think about a SB trip. I’d rather be here at home anyway - or maybe in TN with my dad depending on his schedule,
  19. I hate them more because the team doesn’t back up the fan arrogance. NE fans were bad but the team was every bit as good as they thought for most of those years. Can’t act like you have prime Brady when you actually have Tua…
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